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Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

    Time Event


    Of sorting ceremonies. Of owl posts. Of quidditch matches. Of first loves. Of butterbeer. Of botched potions. Of guessing Bertie Bott flavours. Of house rivalries. Of dueling. Of divining. Of managing mischief. Of spotting the Giant Squid. Of passwords and secret passages. Of Hogsmeade trips. Of late night study sessions in the library. Of hanging out with friends in the common room. Of asking your crush to the Yule Ball. Of making magical memories!

    Another next-gen Harry Potter game. But this one, we're running like a pb game. What does that mean? How about IC contact pages for random notes, owls and midnight musings? The ability to post gifs like magical photos? Allowable customs? Encouraged organic lines? A random community? We're offering just a few changes to utilize the journals and change the dynamic just a bit, but we've still got everything you love about HP games and world building---quidditch rosters and canon family trees and details on pop culture, clubs and professors.

    And we know what you're thinking... Bad timing for a school game to start. But don't worry about that. With graduation, the carnival, a summer quidditch league and Camp Black Lake coming up, your students are going to be busy until September!

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    We'll do first adds with 15 apps!

    *photo by milliondollarempire@deviantart
    *advert template found at [info]rp_tutorials

    Timeline Cast Wanted Dropbox

    In the middle of January Xavier's School for Gifted Students was attacked in the dead of night. Both mutant and non-mutant alike fought to lend a powerful blow to the mutant community by taking out the school. They did not expect the battle they would be faced with and many were lost that night. Since then, under the leadership of Ororo Munroe, the staff and students at Xavier's have struggled to find normalcy once more. The mansion is being repaired slowly, security enhanced, and students are finding comfort in consistent classes once again. But there are darker things looming just out of sight.

    In the space of one day, Magneto, who was at the mansion to help a struggling Lorna Dane, has left along with the green-haired girl. Scott Summers, long thought dead, has returned to find his one-time home still in a state of partial ruin, his lover gone, and his father-figure dead. A mutant posing as Xavier himself has plans to move into the mansion, but what is her end game? With shifts in command and mutants losing control of their powers due to cures wearing off, what else will the residents of Xavier's have to face. Is the New Brotherhood still a threat, perhaps an even bigger one now with Magneto on the loose? Will the school be attacked again, or will the mutants find a way to face this unseen foe before they have the chance to move again?

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