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Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

    Time Event

    If you go down in the woods’re sure of a big surprise.

    There are some new neighbors in Harpers Valley, West Virginia though it isn't the neat little townhouses or apartment complex that they're occupying.

    And like good neighbors they've decided to be hospitable to their new town-mates, though only a select few. Move over(!) Tom's Pool Hall, there's a new hot spot in Harper's Valley and if you're one the young teenagers who've been put on the Guest list, you should count yourself lucky. or should you? After all, anyone who's ever read Shakespeare knows that no one knows how to throw a party quite like the Faerie.

    If you go down to the woods these days,
    you're in for a big surprise...
    Big Sky Mountain wants you! We have been open almost seven months and we are thriving. Many popular faces open, the more obscure faces are very welcome! Many lines are in need of filling and our writers would love to write with you. Characters of all ages are welcome and encouraged! Next adds Sunday evening!
    Big Sky Mountain . Holds . Taken . Wanted
    No Good Deed
    Timeline Cast Wanted Dropbox

    In the middle of January Xavier's School for Gifted Students was attacked in the dead of night. Both mutant and non-mutant alike fought to lend a powerful blow to the mutant community by taking out the school. They did not expect the battle they would be faced with and many were lost that night. Since then, under the leadership of Ororo Munroe, the staff and students at Xavier's have struggled to find normalcy once more. The mansion is being repaired slowly, security enhanced, and students are finding comfort in consistent classes once again. But there are darker things looming just out of sight.

    In the space of one day, Magneto, who was at the mansion to help a struggling Lorna Dane, has disappeared along with the green-haired girl. Scott Summers, long thought dead, has returned to find his one-time home still in a state of partial ruin, his lover gone, and his father-figure dead. With shifts in command and mutants losing control of their powers due to cures wearing off, what else will the residents of Xavier's have to face. Is the New Brotherhood still a threat, perhaps an even bigger one now with Magneto on the loose? If Scott is somehow alive, could it mean the professor lives somewhere, too?

    Rules FAQ Mod Game
    The Field: Abandoned Oasis

    So you wanna be a superhero...
    The powers, the mutants, the metahumans. Call them what you like, it's an undeniable fact that they're a part of our society now and everyday there are more of them. The cause of the sudden mutation is a mystery but the effect is playing out in our daily lives. Are you one of the newly evolved or just a regular person trying to make sense of this crazy new world? Find out at:

    Premise | Rules | Cast | Application
    Superpowers | Taken/Held PBs | F.A.Q | Wanted

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