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Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

    Time Event
    The Blood Era: A HP AU Game
    The RPG



    Taken Cast


    Harry Riddle
    Order Members
    Young Purebloods
    On October 31, 1981, an event happened that changed wizarding history – Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, went to Godric's Hollow, and defeated Lily and James Potter. It was the turning point in the war, and six months later, the Death Eaters gained control of the Ministry of Magic and the Order was crushed. Muggleborns had severe restrictions put on them, including restricting jobs, education and who they could marry. Restrictions were also placed on muggle items, travel and communication with the muggle world.

    Purebloods flourished in the new political climate, and under the direction of Narcissa Malfoy, great social changes began to take shape. Called the "Great Wizarding Renaissance," there was a call to return to pureblood values and manners in order to further separate themselves from the immoral and inferior muggle world. Traditional courtship was brought back, and matches were made not of love, but to strengthen bloodlines.

    The year is 2001, and a new announcement by the Ministry of Magic will once again strengthen the divide, all but cutting off the magical world. Will it be enough to pull the Order of the Phoenix from its slumber, or will this be the stroke that severs the two worlds for good?

    GAME BEGINS MARCH 15TH. Join today!

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