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Thursday, February 10th, 2011

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    So eager for
    The battle did not go according to plan, and Victoria was outraged to find out that her numbers were no longer in tact. She hadn't set out on that journey only to fail, and when brought face to face with one of her many enemies, she fled the scene with Riley into seclusion. Time to regroup was all she needed in order to succeed, but would it be enough? And though it was a victory in many respects, this wouldn't be the end of her vendetta against the Cullen clan.

    What if James had never really died? What if there was someone waiting in the wings for the Cullens to disperse and collected his ashes before he was completely turned to nothing but dust? He spent the months biding his time, and watching Victoria's actions from afar, amused by the lengths she would go to to avenge his murder. Unbeknownst to them, he tracked Alice, Bella and Edward all the way to Italy, keeping his distance all the while.

    With Victoria at a desperate point to bring down the Cullens and the Volturi offering to help despite their own turmoil in their inner circle, will James ever let his existence be known again? Or will he continue to simply observe the going-ons around him? And just how will the Quileutes react to the idea of Jacob Black being the rightful Alpha male?

    Now that a war is about to begin, what side will you choose?
    eternal damnation.

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    Mutation. It is the key to our evolution; it has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominate species on the planet. This process is slow; normally taking thousands and thousands of years, but every few millennium evolution leaps forward

    Mutants lived in secret for over fifty years; some of them could pass for human, but the majority of them were forced to hide in the shadows. Reduced to living in sewers and caves, these people never had a chance at a normal life. Finally one mutant decided that he had enough; his name was Erik Lensher. He formed a band of mutant known as the Acolytes and together they began attacking government buildings. Lensher took the name Magneto. When the Acolytes attacked the Pentagon another mutant by the name of Charles Xavier surprised the world by leading another team of mutants into battle against the Acolytes. Xavier called his team the X-Men, and he had been training them for years for just this moment. Xavier had always believed that when the time came humans and mutants could live together in peace, and he was willing to fight to make that dream a reality.

    Even though the American Government now knew the truth they decided that it would be better to keep things quiet for a while. They felt that the American people wasn't ready for this kind of news. The Acolytes on the other hand felt differently; they continued to attack buildings in the hope that somehow something would leak past the human media and everything would be out in the open. The X-Men continued to stop them at every turn, until Magneto finally became desperate. The Acolytes attacked the Smithsonian Museum when they opened a new exhibit, and the entire fight between the Acolytes and the X-Men was put on the local news.

    When the public finally learned the truth about mutants there was mixed feelings. Some people had no problems with the mutants, but others hated the mutants on sight. Things only got worse as time went by; it is now 2014 and it has been over ten years since the mutants have been outed into the public eye. Some things have changed in the past ten years, and some things haven't. For one several other teams have popped up. The Brotherhood are out to take down the humans; they are always attacking humans and the teams out to protect them. Generation X is a mutant team that is out for themselves; they will work for the highest bidder, but they do have some morals. They will not attack their own kind. Fantastic Four is a small family team who save anyone that needs it; they do their best to stay out of the war itself though. The one thing that hasn't changed is the fact that most mutants are still in hiding; they are afraid of what would happen if they came out.

    Within the last six months things have gotten worse than ever. Congress recently passed a bill that mandates all mutants to register their powers. Charles Xavier was scheduled to speak at the hearing for this bill, but he disappeared two days before it was to take place. The X-Men have no idea what happened to him, but they decided to go on with his work. This became more complicated when it was made clear that they would have to go against the humans to protect innocent mutants. So, Xavier's dream has been corrupted by his team becoming the rebels as well. What makes matters worse is that the people with gifts who aren't mutants have been welcomed with open arms into society. The government has turned them into a team known as The Avengers and it is their job to hunt down mutants who refuse to register.

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