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Friday, October 8th, 2010

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    The year is 2022, and a lot has changed at Hogwarts since Hermione Granger's days there. Peace has come to the wizarding world, and lives and families have been rebuilt. In fact, everything seems to be growing and the population is flourishing.

    And now, after the wizarding world's own baby boom in the early to mid 2000s, Hogwarts has had to meet a greater demand for even more young witches and wizards who need their magical education. So a decision was made, to separate Hogwarts into two campuses---one for the boys and one for the girls!

    Witch Ways takes off just a few steps into the '22/'23 school year for the girls attending Hogwarts School for Young Women. It's Hogwarts as you know it [with the same houses, classes, clubs, and quidditch rivalries] only with a lot more hair pulling, gossip, makeup, sleepovers, bitch fits, short skirts and girl on girl action.

    **Witch Ways is a mirror comm of [info]warts**

    Forgotten Gods

    What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them?

    Do they die, forsaken, alone?

    Or do they yet wander the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can scrape together?

    Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

    And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

    Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.

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