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Friday, September 24th, 2010

    Time Event
    Glee: A "season 2" RPG

    It's the start of another school year at McKinley High, and the Glee Club is back and better than ever. With new friends, new foes and new challenges, nothing at McKinley stays the same for long. Can New Directions take down Vocal Adrenaline? Will Finn and Rachel break up? And what the heck is up with the new football coach!? One things for sure, the 2010-2011 school year will be one for the books!

    Glee, The S2 RPG will (roughly) follow Season 2 canon, but add in our own twists. Players will not be expected to follow the outcomes of the canon plots, just to consider them and use them if they want. Game will run 1 month behind "Real Time" and will open officially on October 1st (Sept. 1st in game) and the first day of school. Canon and OC's welcome!

    Most Wanted: EVERYONE!

    [info]gleerpg | [info]gleeooc | [info]gleemods
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