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Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

    Time Event

    A generation of innocence will be lost

    Everyone knows the story of how Dumbledore defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort in 1985, but in 2027, it's just that: a story. It's something they learn in History of Magic and ask their grandparents about for a first-hand account. But a darkness looms on the horizon for the next generation of kids, one that seeks to destroy the peace maintained in Britain for the last forty years, and this time, it's up to them to fight back, and not all of them will make it through to the other side.

    Will you fight back or fold under the pressure?
    Game opened on Thursday, September 2!

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    Once upon a time...

    The human race has been telling stories to each other for over two thousand years. Characters from the simplest fables to the most complex works of fiction known to mankind have all been written to convey a message, teach a lesson, stir emotion. But what would happen if a character from story A suddenly had to interact with someone from story B?

    [info]athenaeum is a game centered around the lives of the unusual residents of Powell, Washington. In short, every person who lives in Powell is based off of a literary character. While other games with this theme might deal with magic, reincarnation, powers or crossing over of literary characters from their world to ours, the residents of Powell are ordinary people who simply share the same traits and histories as characters throughout the world of fiction.

    Welcome to Powell, Washington, where everyone is someone else.

    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game

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