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Saturday, August 28th, 2010

    Time Event
    Dark AU Harry Potter time-travel game
    Premise | Characters | The story so far | Rules & Application

    They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Can Peter escape the lure of the Death Eaters? Can Severus keep Lily safe? Or could they possibly make everything worse?

    Want something a little different? Looking for an AU game? A marauder-era game? A trio-era game? A game where you can play an evil Death Eater without people assuming that you are a horrible person in real life? A game where you can play an Order member with some actual opposition in-game? A game with talented players, an abundance of plot, and a promise not to die? ;-) Chronic Resurrection is a dark Harry Potter game set in 1979 and 2000 exploring the AU that arises following the inadvertent time-travel of four key individuals from 2000. We'd love it if you checked us out.

    Most wanted:
    Canon -
    Ted Tonks
    Rabastan Lestrange
    Family of played characters -
    Armand Jugson (sister of Katharina, best friend of Walden, and in 2000, wife of Keagan),
    Phillip Jugson (eldest son of Armand and Keagan Jugson)
    Kat Jugson (daughter of Armand and Keagan Jugson)
    Damien Jugson (youngest son of Armand and Keagan Jugson),
    ___ Avery (wife of Lanyon Avery),
    Francis Avery (son of Lanyon and Odette Avery)
    Novus Mundus

    Available | Premise | FAQ
    Rules | Apply | Character Directory

    What if after the fateful three-way duel of 1899, Gellert Grindelwald did not flee England alone? What if he was somehow able to convince his friend Albus Dumbledore to accompany him--to seek out their ambition of taking over the world and controlling it for the greater good?

    The Neuen Assistentenauftrag presently controls the majority of the European continent, administered jointly by Chancellor Grindelwald and the Lord Protector Albus Dumbledore. The disciplinary excesses of the Chancellor seem to be held in relative check by the Lord Protector, who is regarded as fondly as the Chancellor is feared. Within the NAA, the highest offense is treason. Those who are able to conform to its laws enjoy the all the freedoms and privileges offered in the world free of the Statute of Secrecy. Britain's integration into the NAA in 1970 was the source of much division within the British magical population. Some argued in favor of allying for the economic benefits and the ideological tenants of egalitarianism within the wizarding community, while others protested yielded power to what appeared to be an increasingly dictatorial regime.

    In 1978, the British Ministry of Magic operates as a loyal satellite of the NAA. Territories of the NAA are secretly policed by a German-based military division, the Order of the Phoenix, who see little difference between dissent and disloyalty. Over the past few years, an underground resistance has begun to arise in England, a resistance whose acts are becoming increasingly more daring as the death toll of the NAA continues to rise.

    Most Wanted: James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Aberforth Dumbledore, Nicholas Flamel, Minerva McGonagall, Rodolphus Lestrange, and MORE.

    This is a game reactivation - all old plots will be treated as backstory.


    based on A Very Potter Musical

    Wanted: James (for time traveling shenanigans), Yaxley, Tonks, Rabastan & Rodolphus Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, and many more!
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon


    From the Daily Prophet; 2025-08-22

    A Day of Victory For He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

    Last night was marked by a glorious event, greatly anticipated by all obedient citizens of the Wizarding World.

    Led by His Infinite Wisdom, two of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's loyal followers finally completed the crucial task necessary to crush the opposition and carry out the ultimate justice. Leader of the resistance and traitor to the Wizarding World, Harry Potter was killed during capture by Chief of Wizengamot Bellatrix Lestrange and Lilith Lestrange, wife of Mr. Rabastan Lestrange.

    The body of Mr. Potter will be available for public viewing in the atrium of the Ministry as proof of justice's supreme victory.


    Harry Potter is dead - killed by Bellatrix Lestrange and his own daughter, now married to Rabastan Lestrange. The war, however, despite Voldemort's propaganda, is far from over. Hidden within the safety of Hogwarts, the Order of the Phoenix keeps resisting Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It's the third war, started by a spell no one understands...

    In the Summer of 2024, a pack of werewolves started terrorising the country, turning young children and brutally killing their parents. A month later the dead started returning to life. Voldemort was among the first to arrive. By spring 2025, Voldemort and the werewolves had joined forces; Hogwarts, Azkaban and Diagon Alley had been attacked, but Ministry and Order were still standing strong, forcing Voldemort to live in hiding.

    On June 18, 2025, everything changed! Voldemort launched an attack on the wizarding world, hitting King's Cross, the Hogwarts Express and the Ministry. While the forces of good spread out to protect the population, Voldemort took over the Ministry – and with it the Wizarding society. The Order and their allies fled to Hogwarts, where Headmaster Severus Snape shielded the school, making it impossible for Voldemort to gain entrance. From there, the Order launched its resistance.

    For the rest of the population, it’s comply or be killed, but under the surface, people are trying to find a way to manoeuvre outside the new laws and restrictions. In the meantime an unknown, yet undetected, spell is spreading amongst the Wizarding population, Death Eaters, Order and neutral alike. A spell which has the potential to turn the world upside down once more.


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

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