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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

    Time Event
    [info]reboots: where taking your beloved Marvel characters and reinventing them is only part of the fun!
    Seattle, WA 2022

    Here in post-Pulse Seattle, my home, my friends, and my family are under fire. See, I was cooked up in a gene-splicing lab by an outfit called Manticore. They trained us to be soldiers, but really, we were slaves. Just over a year ago, I torched the place and set everybody free--let them out into the world. Government's been trying to catch us ever since. The public is afraid; we are hunted, hated, and living in fear. Thank God for Logan. Even though we can't be together, on account of this virus Manticore put in me because they want him dead--long story, don't ask--he's still there for me, and he's helping me figure out what this black-ops government guy in charge of hunting me down is really up to. Turns out he's part of some weird ancient cult dealio--several thousand years of selective breeding, so they got some pretty nasty tricks up their sleeves. For some reason, they want me dead in a big way, and I've got a bad feeling they're not going to give up until they get what they want.


    Terminal City is a twenty-block no-man's land in the heart of Seattle. Closed ten years ago after a massive toxic spill, it is without power or water, and it is a felony to go beyond this security fence that surrounds it. Terminal City is far from empty; it is home to rats, stray cats, a few homeless humans, and an ever-increasing number of transgenics, some of them far from human. Day in and day out, new faces are showing up in Terminal City. It's not easy, but Max is somehow managing to find them all someplace warm and dry to sleep, and has thus far been able to procure supplies for every single one of them, but things are getting harder and harder.

    For the last year, since the showdown at Jam Pony Messenger service, the Transgenic population has been tryin' to lay low, keep themselves off the radar. The last thing they want is more trouble, more negative publicity. Too bad for them, the general public has other ideas. For the past two months, Transgenics have been turning up at the gates of the city dead, hanging from burning, wooden X's. So far, the body count is up to six, and no one within Terminal City's gates can begin to speculate when the murderer's will strike again.

    But there's an even bigger, and much worse threat to the Transgenic population than some vigilante idiots. The US government has reached a decision regarding the Trasngenics, and Max and company might be in bigger trouble than they thought ...

    Wanted Characters

    Original Cindy, Sketchy, Ames White, Mole, Dix, Luke, Normal, and MANY MORE!



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