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Monday, July 12th, 2010

    Time Event
    The Alley

    July 1st, 2030

    Draco shot the other man an amused glance. Trust Potter to always state the obvious. Bloody Gryffindor. They might have been colleagues in this, the first and only attempt at reclaiming the Wizarding World as it should be, but they were still Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter and they weren't friends.

    "On my mark then." Draco held his wand out, touched almost tip to tip with Potter's, and together they chanted the spell. Blue and white tendrils shot out, twined together and then slithered over the room, curling around the magical servers, disappearing inside. There was no loud noise, no flashes or sparks. Just darkness, as the servers failed and the lights went out.

    [info]alleyrpg is a well plotted game that centers on the lives of the Next Generation. A more detailed plot outline can be found here. We are looking for creative, active players who enjoy threading and journaling with their characters.
    JULY 2030
    For almost thirty years, the Wizarding World has existed in peace and prosperity. Technological advances have made it possible for wizards to experience novelties previously availble only to Muggles: computers, movies, television, the Internet. MagiTech, as it is affectionately known, is largely popular among witches and wizards, especially the younger set.

    However, there are those that oppose it, members of the WWAT and their associates. Fed up with MagiTech and what they see as the destruction of the Wizarding World through so-called "progress", a small, secret group within the WWAT has created a spell that will put an end to MagiTech for good, allowing the world to revert back to the Golden Days and unleashed it in the Ministry of Magic on July 1st, 2030.

    However, the spell malfunctions with unintended consequences that reach far beyond the initial goal. MagiTech is undisturbed, but wizards and witches across the country start to have problems with their magic. At first it seems innocent enough: Pepper-Up that makes you vomit, an Alohamora that just shoots sparks, a Wingardium Levoisa that fizzles out prematurely. But as time goes by, the effects worsen, spreading out in a seemingly random pattern from the Ministry of Magic.

    Game started June 12th, 2010.

    MOST WANTED: Aurors, Quidditch players, Young Professionals, Hit-Wizards, Students, Anti-MagiTech, Hackers, Healers and more.
    The Genome Project - An Original Character RPG

    Mutated | Scientists | Town Info | Powers
    Rules | Application | Premise | F.A.Q.
    The year is 2030. The scientists have successfully kept their project a secret, hiding away in the bowels of Maine. They've censored, monitored, and all but controlled the mutated, posing as doctors, teachers, and trusted family members. Powers are starting to emerge and it's their job to test their limits. Conflict is rising in the souls of the sympathetic as a new government experiment appears on the island - one with an uncontrollable and deadly power. The experiments are far from over, but the danger is just beginning.

    The Genome Project is a game focusing on original characters with super powers and the scientists that mutated them, with a few accidental killings thrown into the mix.

    Open powers include: enhanced senses, water mimicry, technopathy, astral projection, terrakinesis and many more! We're always looking for new scientists, many children need their parents in game, and some scientists may have powers of their own. Check out our premade list for pre-established lines needed.
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