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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

    Time Event
    Hi, I'm from Bright Light City, a modern panfandom set in Las Vegas. Dead characters can be brought back to life there, check out the description to see how and why.

    We're looking for a few fanbases right now! The LOST people would adore a Jin and Sun, since we have almost everyone else but we miss our favorite Korean couple!

    The Charmed fandom is just getting started with Paige and Piper, but anyone else from the show would be great!

    Lie to Me has a Foster and Loker, but we'd love love love a Lightman, Reynolds, or Torres!

    Black Jewels Trilogy has a Jaenelle, Lucivar, and Saetan, and would adore all other characters from the book series!

    I'm not sure if there are any The 4400 people out there, but we have a lonely Shawn Farrell in the game who would love anyone from the show to appear!

    Other fandoms who could use some love include Bones, Battlestar Galactica, and Firefly. Thank you! PM me if you want more info.

    On a small island in the North Atlantic lies a abandoned town know as Bedlam which is home to the world renown Belverdere asylum. Or at least it use to be world renown before an nasty uprising of the patients in 1976. Sixteen staff members were brutally murdered and the hospital was shut down for good. Over the next few years the town of Bedlam died out as the people packed up and left. Some didn’t even bother to pack as the fled the island.

    The island would remain empty for years as nature reclaimed until she returned.

    Elizabeth Belverdere, most commonly known as Nurse Belverdere, the descent who bears an uncanny resemblance to her great grandmother Sophie Belverdere, the founder of the asylum. She has decided to start up the family business again by bringing together the worst, the most violent miscreants with the belief that she can ‘rehabilitate’ them. Yet, Nurse Belverdere isn’t what she seems. How did she bring these people to the island? And what exactly does she have planned?

    Only one way to find out....


    Bedlam Island is a multi-fandom horror game on invisionfree. Players must be seventeen to apply. We are currently looking for: More female characters! More Villains!



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