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Saturday, June 12th, 2010

    Time Event
    A lot has changed in the three hundred and seven years since we first made contact with the Damarans. Even more in the seventy-five years that this war has been going on. There's children being born now, human children, who ain't ever even seen Earth.

    Who are we when this damn planet starts feeling like home? Do we even remember what we're even fighting for? What makes us any different than them at this point?

    I'm proud to report, though, that there's one thing that ain't changed in three hundred years.

    War is Hell.

    [info]projectdamara is a futuristic, sci-fi, OC RPG that is a little bit Firefly, a little bit Crest of the Stars, a little bit Halo, a little bit Avatar, and a whole lot of fun. We are currently seeking humans and aliens of all manners, classes, mindsets, and occupations to bring this rich world to life. Next adds June 14!

    A (supernatural genre) home for any one of the italicized girls listed in my journal? Storylines a plus.

    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon

    The Premise

    In the Summer of 2024, a pack of werewolves started terrorising the country, turning young children and brutally killing their parents. A month later the dead started returning to life. Voldemort was among the first to arrive. By spring 2025, Voldemort and the werewolves had joined forces; Hogwarts, Azkaban and Diagon Alley had been attacked, but Ministry and Order were still standing strong, forcing Voldemort to live in hiding.

    On June 18, 2025, everything changed! Voldemort launched an attack on the wizarding world, hitting King's Cross, the Hogwarts Express and the Ministry. While the forces of good spread out to protect the population, Voldemort took over the Ministry – and with it the Wizarding society. The Order and their allies fled to Hogwarts, where Headmaster Severus Snape shielded the school, making it impossible for Voldemort to gain entrance. From there, the Order launched its resistance.

    For the rest of the population, it’s comply or be killed, but under the surface, people are trying to find a way to manoeuvre outside the new laws and restrictions. In the meantime an unknown, yet undetected, spell is spreading amongst the Wizarding population, Death Eaters, Order and neutral alike. A spell which has the potential to turn the world upside down once more.


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

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