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Saturday, June 5th, 2010

    Time Event
    I'm seeking a couple specific characters over at [info]brightlightcity, which is a Panfandom game set in Las Vegas, and was hoping to get some results here.

    For DC, we've already got Conner Kent (Superboy), Tim Wayne (Robin), Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis, Stephanie Brown (Batgirl), Dinah Lance (Black Canary) and Cassandra Cain (Ex-Batgirl) from Comicverse and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), Bart Allen (Impulse), Kara Zor-El and Chloe Sullivan from Smallville.

    Some characters we'd love to have are Superman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Barbara Gordon (Oracle), Wonder Girl, Raven, Starfire, Kid Flash, Damian Wayne, etc.

    For Harry Potter, I'd like to see a Pansy Parkinson, aged around sixteen. Draco comes from HBP and is the youngest of the HP characters at the moment. Everyone else is from the future. Other Slytherins would be awesome too. Also Rodolphus Lestrange. Bellatrix comes from the early seventies, before they were married.

    For Queer as Folk, I'd love a Brian, post finale and a Daphne. Justin has been keeping himself entertained, but he'd love his boyfriend and best friend to show up.

    And lastly for Lord of the Rings, I'd love to find an Aragorn for Legolas. He's still pretty out of his element, but is adjusting well. However, it'd be nice to have a familar face aroudn and perhaps it could lead to more.

    If anyone is interested and has any questions, PM me or im me at AylaRanzz.


    The RPG



    Character Directory

    Everyone knew it was coming. The end of the world as we knew it. Earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts, floods, illnesses we can't even begin to describe. But no one wanted to accept it until it was too late. By the time the world's leaders started to take action, over two thirds of the population on the once beautiful planet had been wiped out.

    Great care is being taken to protect the living. The newly formed world government, consisting of leaders from several of the great nations, have worked together to create sanctuary. Using a blend of diplomacy, technology, and medicine, they created Salus, a home for the survivors of what they may as well declare the apocalypse. By most regards, Salus could just be a country club or an all-inclusive resort. There's plenty of food, one of the few places left that has any at all. There's a swimming pool, a track, even a stable. Every person has a bedroom of their own and a semi-private bath. The complex spreads out over ten miles, and includes plenty of recreational activities for everyone.

    But something doesn't add up. People go missing for days at a time and then return as if nothing was wrong. One day, they'll wake up changed...but it never lasts long. Sometimes they wake up in an entirely different place than where they fell asleep. The cuts and bruises they're receiving every day aren't from the natural disasters they've already survived, or the minor ones that are still occurring every so often.

    Through it all, the residents of Salus are surviving. They're socializing, creating, and falling in love. Despite all they've gone through and are going through still, they're living. But the question remains: are they truly being sheltered by 'the good guys'?



    MCI Grand Junction


    a Prison RPG


    OOC Rules

    Prisoner Rules

    Staff Rules


    Taken PBs





    You’ve just been sentenced to MCI Grand Junction, a prison located some 20 miles west of Boston, Massachusetts.

    You have been sent here to carry out the full term of your sentence. There will be no escape. There will be no appeals. Some of you will never leave. For some this is only the beginning of a long and terrible nightmare.

    Rumors of brutality, of severe discipline, rape and even murder is rife within, but in a place like Grand Junction money talks. Besides, you are a convicted felon: society has washed its hands of you.

    The only people looking out for you now are those left on the outside waiting for your release. Pray you live long enough to see it.

    Your life as you knew it is over.
    Welcome to Grand Junction.

    Remember, in prison no one will hear you

    Staff (corrections officers, nurses, counselors) and family members are also welcome to apply.

    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon

    The Premise

    In the Summer of 2024, a pack of werewolves started terrorising the country, turning young children and brutally killing their parents. A month later the dead started returning to life. Voldemort was among the first to arrive. By spring 2025, Voldemort and the werewolves had joined forces; Hogwarts, Azkaban and Diagon Alley had been attacked, but Ministry and Order were still standing strong, forcing Voldemort to live in hiding.

    On June 18, 2025, everything changed! Voldemort launched an attack on the wizarding world, hitting King's Cross, the Hogwarts Express and the Ministry. While the forces of good spread out to protect the population, Voldemort took over the Ministry – and with it the Wizarding society. The Order and their allies fled to Hogwarts, where Headmaster Severus Snape shielded the school, making it impossible for Voldemort to gain entrance. From there, the Order launched its resistance.

    For the rest of the population, it’s comply or be killed, but under the surface, people are trying to find a way to manoeuvre outside the new laws and restrictions. In the meantime an unknown, yet undetected, spell is spreading amongst the Wizarding population, Death Eaters, Order and neutral alike. A spell which has the potential to turn the world upside down once more.


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

    a next gen fairy tale experience


    Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away---oh wait, you've heard this one before? That's no surprise. We all grew up with fairy tales. And these stories of dastardly witches and wizards, of beautiful princes and princesses and crafty fairy folk are just that---stories. But what if they're not? What if, in an actual kingdom that was further away than you could ever imagine to get to, there were people living out the tales you heard every night before bed? And what if their mothers and fathers told stories of far off lands much like our own world? They probably wouldn't believe that this place exists, just as we couldn't fathom that there's a world where Cinderella really met her Prince Charming, and true love's kiss could really wake a sleeping beauty from a deathlike sleep.

    But that place does exist. In a world parallel to ours, in a place that no magic but what we cast in our dreams could get us to, the characters of these fairy tales are real; living and breathing but slowly fading away. Yes, that world is waning and all because the one thing that fuels it and keeps its residents alive is in short supply. That one thing is belief. And as our belief in the magical fades away, so will all that is magical.

    But there is hope. There is a family who, through ancient magic, has always been able to travel to and communicate with the other world. No one has ever been able to explain why the two sons of Grimm were connected to the land of fairy tales and enchantment. But it has been this way since before Jacob and Wilhelm began recording the stories of things they knew and heard from far far away. In their descendants, Rolf and Edwin Grimm, who have inherited this magnificent ability, lays the only hope for the people of the fairy tale world.

    Even Further Away is a social, thread based rp game set at a fictional Grimm Academy where the children of popular fairy tale characters have come to live because their world is dying. Descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm have found a way, through limited magic, to bring the next generation [ie Snow White's children etc] to our world in order to save them from theirs. Because the land of fairy tales is so different from our own, a boarding academy has been founded by the brothers so that these children can smoothly transition, and learn about the ways of our world in order to survive in it. The game will center around the students, their lives at the academy, and their interactions with each other all pushed along by some zany subplot.

    Game opens June 14th.

    original table layout/coding by [info]chaperoned via [info]rp_tutorials

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