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Thursday, March 11th, 2010

    Time Event
    [info]phlebotomy : Vampire Chronicles & Mayfair Chronicles Based Game


    "New Orleans is a city like no other. It's one swollen, humid, titanic creature with two legs, two arms, a face, and all the parish boiling within its blood.

    We're living in its arms and have no choice but to return the embrace."

    Some will die in hot pursuit...

    The damned shall walk shoulder to shoulder with the innocent, and soon the night air won't be the only chill they find in embracement.

    Some will want to learn...

    While some will notice the thickness in the air and seek the reasons out, others will remain contently oblivious to what's happening all about.
    And some will fall in love...

    The future is unclear in this sweltering city as to what your fate shall be.So count your stars and hold your breath, put your veins up to the test as you learn to live and die through Phlebotomy

    Phlebotomy is a game based on the works of Anne Rice's Vampire & Mayfair Chronicles set to take place several years after the closing of Night Island. All writing belongs to the players. Any similarities to the writing of Rice are purely circumstantial, no mal intent. Please read all rules and disclaimers before contacting.

    Premise | Play Bys | Application | New Orleans | Vampires | Mayfairs | Rules | Contact Mods

    | Mod Journal [info]facephlebotomy | Main Community [info]phlebotomy |

    Dark Mark Rising

    The year is 1977. There has been talk in pureblood families of a 'Dark Lord', a man who's sole interest is purifying the wizarding world of muggles and muggleborns. He has enlisted the help of Hogwarts students, staff, and men living in Hogsmeade. With these minions, Lord Voldemort has already attacked many muggleborns, blood traitors, and Hogwarts. With the increasing attacks on Hogwarts, Headmaster Dumbledore has been given few options. After a muggleborn's death, the Headmaster has decided to lock the school, while letting the students outdoors for select hours of the day. The Ministry of Magic has sent Hogwarts six aurors to help protect students and screen mail. No one gets in, and no one gets out. Many students believe the attacks are coming from within Hogwarts, and fear the worst.

    What are the students to do? Headmaster Dumbledore has come up with the only possible solution - he needs help. He needs a group of trusted people to fight back, and so begins the Order of the Phoenix. Slowly but surely these young witches and wizards will be trained to fight and protect themselves.

    Where does your path lie?

    We are in specific need of Rodolphus Lestrange, Alice, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Ted Tonks, Amycus Carrow, Meadowes, future Death Eaters, future Order members, prefects, and quidditch players!
    | Premise | Rules | Available | Wanted | Cast | Apply | In-game Events | Calender | ©
    Taste of Magic

    Taste of Magic


    Come for the baguettes, stay for the adventure


    How do you describe the taste of magic? Is it sweet? Salty? Bitter? Does it roll over your senses, wrapping them like a thick blanket? Or is it sharp, calling those same senses to be sharper in turn, more aware of their surroundings by its presence?

    No matter how you would describe it, that evanescent sensation is abundant on the island created by Merlin and Calypso. It calls to a person, seductive as a siren's call, sweet as holding your first love's hand. It's not doom or heartbreak that await a person here, though. Just the smell of fresh cookies and perhaps a little mischief.

    Taste of Magic is a panfandom game where pups are taken from their world and teleported onto an island saturated with wild magic. There are pirates, dragons, demon children, and pastel bunnies among other wonders. It's a very welcoming game, open to original characters and interesting plots.

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