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Sunday, March 7th, 2010

    Time Event
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon

    The Premise

    Werewolf attacks have become the stuff of everyday life for much of Wizarding Britain, an ancient spell cast by Slytherin himself is bringing the dead back to life, and a certain Dark Lord seems intent on conquering the world again... Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, has his Department fighting back with around the clock patrols and Hit Wizards are busier than ever before, but even with extra security, is the world safe?

    How long will the tension build? How much can those who saved the world take? How far can the wizarding world be pushed before it reaches its breaking point?


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with
    *Plots taking place inside and outside of Hogwarts, for students and adults

    Game Began July 1, 2009.



    The RPG



    Character Directory

    It was always meant to end this way. Lord Voldemort or Harry Potter, one would have to destroy the other. In the year 1998 Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, fulfilled his destiny and destroyed Lord Voldemort. The battle was fierce and the losses were great but in the end, the reign of Lord Voldemort was finally over. The battle was over and it was time to move on. Hogwarts was rebuilt, the class of 1998 spent the summer catching up on the classes that they had missed while beginning training in their future jobs. The new Minister of Magic, a half-blood wizard, put strict laws in effect to allow for the capture of Death Eaters and their supporters.

    Things were quiet, things were peaceful. The Golden Age, some were beginning to call it. Free from persecution, wizards of impure blood were taking places of honor and respect . The trio finally begain to relax and it seemed as if things were finally well. Little did they know that there was darkness brewing once more. Rodolphus Lestrange, driven mad from grief, had taken on a protégé. An intelligent and ambitious former Ravenclaw Aiden Chambers.

    A Call for Freedom

    This was the title of the opinion piece that Aiden submitted to the Prophet. The passionate article spoke of the shift in the muggle world, that it was no longer quite so taboo to be a so -called witch. It served it purpose, raising all the appropriate eyebrows. Could it be done? Could they reveal themselves to the muggle world without mass hysteria?

    Aiden was brought in as one of the Minister’s top advisors as the Ministry tentatively began to creep towards revealing themselves . Once again the wizarding world was divided, the people who supported the change and the people who thought it was dangerous.

    Order members began to come forward in support of it, not realizing that while they were supporting it, former Death Eaters were sending out feelers, gathering a new and more terrifying army.



    Available | Premise
    Rules | Apply | Character Directory

    What if after the fateful three-way duel of 1899, Gellert Grindelwald did not flee England alone? What if he was somehow able to convince his friend Albus Dumbledore to accompany him--to seek out their ambition of taking over the world and controlling it for the greater good?

    The Neuen Assistentenauftrag presently controls the majority of the European continent, administered jointly by Chancellor Grindelwald and the Lord Protector Albus Dumbledore. The disciplinary excesses of the Chancellor seem to be held in relative check by the Lord Protector, who is regarded as fondly as the Chancellor is feared. Within the NAA, the highest offense is treason. Those who are able to conform to its laws enjoy the all the freedoms and privileges offered in the world free of the Statute of Secrecy. Britain's integration into the NAA in 1970 was the source of much division within the British magical population. Some argued in favor of allying for the economic benefits and the ideological tenants of egalitarianism within the wizarding community, while others protested yielded power to what appeared to be an increasingly dictatorial regime.

    In 1978, the British Ministry of Magic operates as a loyal satellite of the NAA. Territories of the NAA are secretly policed by a German-based military division, the Order of the Phoenix, who see little difference between dissent and disloyalty. Over the past few years, an underground resistance has begun to arise in England, a resistance whose acts are becoming increasingly more daring as the death toll of the NAA continues to rise.

    Most Wanted: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Kastra Dumbledore, Nicholas Flamel, Minerva McGonagall, Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, and MORE.

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