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Saturday, January 30th, 2010

    Time Event
    Marvel: The Next Generation


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    Captain America
    Avengers Kids
    X-Men Kids
    In the modern day metropolis of New York, life continues on as it has since the emergence of the Fantastic Four ushered in the modern era of superheroes. Avengers still fly through the skies as the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. X-Men still protect a world that fears and hates them. At first glance, it's the same, comfortable world where the impossible is possible. Except...

    ... most of the familiar faces are older. They've slowly stepped back from the arduous duties of being superheroes. As they have, the next generation of heroes have stepped forward to take up the mantle. A Spider still swings through the New York skyline, but it's Peter Parker's daughter saving the city now. Captain Marvel has taken the lead of the young Avengers, but that title belongs to the cosmically-powered son of the universe's greatest sidekick. A Summers still takes the lead for those that wear the X, but it's the rare, non-time displaced daughter of mythological giants.

    Marvel: Nextgen is a collaborative role-playing game and interactive, on-going fictional story. It is carried out in a play-by-post RPG style on Livejournal. The game is loosely based on Marvel Comics canon after 1988. It is primarily an Original Character driven game, but canon characters are also welcome.

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    You think you know, but you have no idea.

    It's not just some spy game, but she can see the world is going to shit again. Terrorists attack and suddenly it's time to pick sides: muggles or wizards. It's bullshit, that's what it is because one side has to lose and she so hates losing.

    The 21st of December is seeking our DOUBLE AGENT (among others).
    Inquire within!
    Plus 28 Days
    There's a New World Waiting For You
    On October 31st, 1999, a group of eco-terrorists released a biological weapon at every major airport in the world. The infected became sick, then violent and murderous. 50 hours after the first contagion was released, governments across the globe initiated states of emergency. Sites were designated as shelters with troops and Aurors sent to protect those sites at all costs. Those lucky enough to find shelter must now wait it out – the 28 long days for the infected to starve to death or kill each other in their madness. The world as you knew it is gone. Some remote areas are desolate nuclear wastelands. Cities are virtually devoid of life. Less than one percent of the total world population remains. Governments – both Magical and Muggle – struggle to maintain order and plan for the future of the human race. Rumors of a consolidated world government and the shadow of a Marriage Decree loom for the survivors.

    Your destiny awaits you.
    Available & Cast ~ Apply ~ Rules ~ Premise
    What will you do in the new world?

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