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Saturday, January 16th, 2010

    Time Event
    Ipswich - A Covenant-based Panfandom


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    Three years of relative peace have passed. The boys graduated from Spenser Academy and looked into colleges around the States. Reluctant to go their separate ways, they nevertheless understood the need to pursue their own lives.

    They stayed in touch. Kept up with who was dating who, who’d been dumped by who, who had scored with who. Who was passing what, who needed help to keep from failing what. They always came home between semesters and over summers.

    This break though, Caleb has a feeling that something’s wrong. That something’s coming.

    And he’s right.

    Three years ago, he defeated Chase Collins at the former site of Putnam Barn. The barn was destroyed by the resulting fire, and no body was ever found. No one knew what had become of Chase Goodwin Pope-Collins.

    …until now.

    Returning from his three year stint in Hell, Chase is pissed. He’s not alone, either – in his epic escape from Hell, he managed to rift time and space, opening gaps to other worlds … and letting people from all across time, space, and reality into Ipswich.

    Wanted: Silent Hill characters (Harry Mason, Dahlia Gillespie, Heather Mason, Travis Grady), Harry Potter characters (any era), Firefly characters

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