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Saturday, December 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    the story; Ω

    Life on Olympus couldn't be better now that it's 2009 and the mortals have stopped pestering us. Yep, things'd be just perfect if that crazy cannibalistic grandfather/uncle/father of ours (it gets confusing with all that inbreeding) hadn't decided he wanted revenge for being locked up a couple of centuries. Who knew there was truth to the saying 'hell on earth?' Well guys and gals, looks like it's time to adapt to the mortal realm because Cronus isn't going to let us go back home anytime soon...

    Welcome to Fallen Pedestals, where the ancient characters of Greek mythology have been stripped of their powers and banished to the busy city of Manhattan. From there, it's up to them: will they try and fit in to the modern day mortal society, or will they spend their time plotting to take the Heavens back by force?

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    check us out; Ω

    Moderator Journal
    Taken Characters
    OOC Comm

    can't wait to see you! Ω











    Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Heavy black clouds loom overhead, sometimes bringing rain but never breaking to let in the sun. The city has evolved to match its environment; business is shady, outlooks are bleak, and it is unclear whether there is still light behind the clouds at all. Even the brightest linings offer little hope. In the corner flower shop, full of carnations and spools of cheap ribbon, black market narcotics and hallucinogens change hands. The local pub, complete with Guinness on tap, reserves the back three tables for weapons dealers to do business. Criminals of all types seem drawn to the city, attracted to the dark environment the city offers.

    Despite this, there is a murmur of hope amid the murky despair. A rebellion is forming, individuals determined to fight against the masses and bring good and order back into the city. However, the weather has not broken. With the dreary forecast constantly imposing upon the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

    Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

    A Panfandom Multiverse RPG
    OU/AU of each character
    Het/Yuri/Yaoi Friendly

    Reservations are always open
    Applications are being taken

    Wished RP: Harry Potter Trio Era AU

    The RPG



    Cast List
    Requested SLs

    Most Wanted Characters

    Bill Weasley
    Fleur Delacour-Weasley
    Colin Creevey
    Anthony Goldstein
    Fenrir Greyback
    Stephen Cornfoot
    Kevin Entwhistle
    Lee Jordan
    Parvati Patil
    Harold Dingle
    Zacharias Smith
    Hannah Abbott
    Romilda Vane
    Terence Higgs
    Cormac McLaggen
    The Montgomerys

    And Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying - actually crying - tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin. Malfoy gasped, and Harry was confused as Malfoy looked down into his own empty hand as if he'd never seen it before then gulped and, with a great shudder, looked up into the cracked mirror and saw Harry staring at him over his shoulder.


    Wished RP is an AU game that diverges from canon midway through Half-Blood Prince and aims to honor canon while allowing players to craft their own end to the story we all spent years following. Wished is a thread and scene based, Trio-Era game that begins with the Trio's seventh year. Voldemort is still lurking, if weakened, and a final showdown still threatens - but how we get there, and what happens afterward, will look very different.

    Wished is an open and established game, and is an active and friendly community with chances for plot and character development for all characters.


    Currently seeking: Ministry Members, Death Eaters & Sympathizers, and Younger 'No Name' Hogwarts Students. We would also like to finish out the Weasley Clan, and to have some Snatchers around so that they can start rounding people up!

    NOW OPEN AND ACTIVE! Opened 1 August 2009.
    Check our activity by looking at our public activity recaps here.

    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon

    Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
    Luna (Lovegood) Scamander
    The Founders
    Hogwarts Students
    Aurors - Canon or OC
    Many more.

    The Premise

    Neville Longbottom heads Hogwarts.
    Astoria Malfoy has just taken over the Board of Governors.
    Too many somethings are going bump in the night.

    Werewolf attacks have become the stuff of everyday life for much of Wizarding Britain, the Chamber of Secrets is being re-awoken by Slytherin himself, and a certain Dark Lord just doesn't know how to stay dead... Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, has his Department fighting back with around the clock patrols and Hit Wizards are busier than ever before, but even with extra security, is Hogwarts safe?

    How long will the tension build? How much can those who saved the world take? How far can the wizarding world be pushed before it reaches its breaking point?


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with
    *Plots taking place inside and outside of Hogwarts, for students and adults

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

    Act 3

    Rules | Available/Held Characters | Taken Characters | Canon Character Histories | Application | Out of Character Comm

    For almost three decades Lord Voldemort threatened the Wizarding World and Muggle World alike. He went from being one of the most powerful Dark Lords ever to almost being defeated by a baby before rising once again. He spent much of his time recruiting the other races to assist him in the destruction of the Wizarding World. Harry Potter and his friends put a kink in his plan however and defeated him, saving their world.

    Or so they thought.

    With the absence of Voldemort, some of the other races have been biding their time, building their own armies so as to rise up and declare wars of their own. Will the Wizarding World be ready for another attack? Will an unfamiliar foe succeed where Voldemort failed? Only time will tell….

    The year is 2019, it's been twenty-one years since the Battle of Hogwarts when Harry Potter defeated The Dark Lord. Life has gone back to normal for the survivors; if being a Wizard was normal to begin with. But then again has life really gone back to normal for everyone? The Trio and their friends have children of their own now. Have they taken after their parents? Are they the complete opposite? It's now their turn to create their own stories.

    This is a Third Generation, Canon based game. It picks up two years after the Deathly Hallows Epilogue. Didn't like the Epilogue? That's ok, neither did I, but here's your chance to create your own Epilogue.

    Most Wanted Characters: Neville Longbottom, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour-Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Viktor Krum, Pansy (Parkinson) Montague.

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