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Sunday, December 6th, 2009

    Time Event



    Have you ever craved something a little different without ever knowing exactly what it was?

    Well, here at The Other Side, we'd like to indulge you. Enable you, free you.

    We understand the appeal of crack!comms. Getting to create a character all your own with a little dash of canon thrown in. You always wanted the Malfoys to have a daughter. Or maybe you wanted all of the Weasleys to be boys? Or perhaps you were always a sucker for Severus/Lily and were always upset that they never ended up together. That's what crack!comms offer you. Freedom of creativity. We admire that.

    However, on the other side, we understand the appeal of a normal, plot based canon game. While not nearly as unrestricted as a crack!game, it gives you plot to work off of and create a story with. It brings you stability and sometimes it's just nice to sit back and play a canon character you happen to love, no alterations needed, right?

    So, at our game, we decided to dip our fingers in both soups. The Other Side is an Alternative Universe Harry Potter game. In 2001, with Second War alumni returning for a sudden reunion, they quickly find themselves sucked into another world altogether. Being no common magic, everyone is alarmed and confused. Given housing of their own for the time being, they come to realize that they're not the only ones stuck in such an intensely abrupt situation. With them, huddled all under one Inn's roof, are various alumni from the First War. Funny thing is, they don't seem to know any more about what happened than the rest of them.

    This new world is an alternative take on how the war could have gone. With Bellatrix leading the head of a vicious group of assassins called the Moraie, she stands tall as conqueror of Britain with her husband Rodolphus and their adopted son, Neville. It seems as if she had a different take on how to deal with the "Chosen One" the Prophecy spoke of. Surely raising him would be enough to cancel it out? So she hopes. And, where is Albus Dumbledore in all of this, you might ask? Disappearing shortly after the crumbling of the Order and Bellatrix's rise to power in 1981, he has been neither seen nor heard from in twenty years. Aberforth was kind enough to take over the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts after his brother's disappearance and is hoping that with the arrival of all of these new visitors that perhaps reinstating the Order to what it once was will bring Albus back for good.

    | premise | rules | f.a.q |
    | available characters | wanted characters |
    | application |
    A Post-DH Hogwarts Based Game

    On September 1st Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will reopen and the old class of '98 have been invited back to resit their year with the current NEWTS class. Things are finally safe...

    But nothing ever stays safe for very long.

    In Europe, Wizarding communities are being crippled by a virus that slowly destroys the ability to perform magic and it doesn't take long before the virus finds its way into the school.

    The Ministry immediately quarantines Hogwarts, placing a ward around the castle and its grounds to stop the virus spreading further, and prevent escape of the infected.

    One by one students find themselves losing their ability to perform ever the simplest of spells. But even as they struggle to try and discover a cure, darker forces are beginning to close in on the school...
    What would you do if you lost your magic?

    Wanted: RON WEASLEY, Blaise Zabini, Tracey Davies, Seamus Finnigan, Kevin Entwistle, Death Eaters, Original Student Characters and loads more!

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