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Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

    Time Event
    Darkness Rising RPG

    October, 1978.

    Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange are no longer on the run; The Dark Lord set a plan in motion to preserve both their freedom and their reputations, while dealing a devastating blow to the Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix all at once. Bellatrix Lestrange staged a public sighting to draw the Aurors and the Order to Cheshire, where the Death Eaters were waiting to surround them.

    The casualties and injuries were many and although Bellatrix Lestrange was captured, she will not be in prison for long, as it is all a part of The Dark Lord’s plan.

    The Dark Lord has many irons in the fire. As he creates the last of his seven desired Horcruxes, he aspires to destroy the one man who still threatens him: Albus Dumbledore. To that end, a member of his Inner Circle has infiltrated the school as Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor...

    Dumbledore is striving to save Severus Snape from his own dark ambitions, but little does he know it is far too late for that; Snape has already taken the Dark Lord's Mark.

    Narcissa Black is about to wed Lucius Malfoy, but she struggles with the duality of marrying and supporting a Death Eater while maintaining a friendship with an enlistee of the Auror Corps.

    Fenrir Greyback covets the hapless Dorcas Meadowes, but he too has goals beyond his own carnal desires. As he builds his werewolf army for Voldemort, he also has his eye on the Auror set on bringing him down; Caradoc Dearborn.

    Alice Longbottom’s father, responsible for the death of her daughter, has been murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange, but the Ministry only has their eyes set on the Longbottoms and Dumbledore for the culprits.

    As if the Auror Departments numbers weren’t hazardous enough, the recent attack on the Ministry has left them with numbers so low, only a miracle can keep the department from dying off completely.

    And Voldemort is just getting started with his plot to bring down the Ministry.

    Things are just starting to get interesting.

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    You can. All you have to do is join.

    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Premise | Member Testimonials | Darkness Rising RPG Community

    Time of Trial
    Time of Trial Banner by Kacey

    Rules-Character List-Format-Application-Sample Application-Plot-Game Facts-Played-Bys-Icon&PB Sources

    In the 1970s, a war had begun to rage throughout wizarding Britain. People disappeared, entire families were killed-- and the world was torn between Albus Dumbledore's Order of Phoenix and Tom Riddle's Death Eaters. The Ministry of Magic stood nearly powerless to stop these massacres and the threat of a pureblood society taking complete control loomed overhead. A red scare suddenly ran throughout the wizarding world as the body count grew.

    The tables turned when the Dark Lord received intelligence that he believed would seal the fate of this war. A prophecy about a child that would have the power to defeat him, and it quickly came to light that this child was born of Lily and James Potter. He set about trying to find the couple who had defied him three times, and dispose of their son.

    On October 31st, 1980 the Dark Lord was finally able to find the Potters at their home in Godric's Hollow when Peter Pettigrew betrayed them. However, the Potters were not ill-prepared for the attack. Severus Snape had been able to warn Lily Potter of what was to come, and when the Dark Lord arrived that evening at Godric's Hollow-- he was not met with the happy parents and their child-- but the entire Order of Phoenix and an ambush. On that Halloween, the Dark Lord fell, and the wizarding world rejoiced.

    Time marched on, and the world forgot about what had happened that Halloween in 1980. The families who had supported the Dark Lord were either jailed, disappeared or managed to buy their way into freedom with tarnished reputations-- but the Ministry of Magic and the Order of Phoenix managed to regain their hold and purge the world of darkness. The world was at peace, but the Dark Lord would not remain forgotten forever-- those true to him knew there were plans that could resurrect him-- but those plans had seemingly disappeared.

    In a world that is falling into forgetfulness and repeating the past, where will you stand in this time of trial?

    The War has begun..

    Most Wanted: Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and many more!

    Dark City Treno RPG ~ Recruiting











    Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Heavy black clouds loom overhead, sometimes bringing rain but never breaking to let in the sun. The city has evolved to match its environment; business is shady, outlooks are bleak, and it is unclear whether there is still light behind the clouds at all. Even the brightest linings offer little hope. In the corner flower shop, full of carnations and spools of cheap ribbon, black market narcotics and hallucinogens change hands. The local pub, complete with Guinness on tap, reserves the back three tables for weapons dealers to do business. Criminals of all types seem drawn to the city, attracted to the dark environment the city offers.

    Despite this, there is a murmur of hope amid the murky despair. A rebellion is forming, individuals determined to fight against the masses and bring good and order back into the city. However, the weather has not broken. With the dreary forecast constantly imposing upon the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

    Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

    Multi-fandom || AU or CANON

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