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Monday, September 7th, 2009

    Time Event
    Some will live in shelters, while others walk the streets.
    Some will sleep on cardboard and some on dirty sheets.
    Some will have a soul to sell, while others will want to save.
    Some will wind up famous and others in the grave.” ~D.A.M.

    Come run away to [info]starmod You know you want to make it big.

    [info]cityofstars is an RP based on Hollywood dreamers.
    Not everyone makes it big and those who don't must do what it takes to survive in the city of lost angels and broken dreams.

    ★ Seeking runaways and starving artists for a new kind of game. ★

    Premise|Rules|Application|Taken/Wanted PB's|Pre-Mades|Mod Contact
    City Guide
    the story; Ω

    Life on Olympus couldn't be better now that it's 2009 and the mortals have stopped pestering us. Yep, things'd be just perfect if that crazy cannibalistic grandfather/uncle/father of ours (it gets confusing with all that inbreeding) hadn't decided he wanted revenge for being locked up a couple of centuries. Who knew there was truth to the saying 'hell on earth?' Well guys and gals, looks like it's time to adapt to the mortal realm because Cronus isn't going to let us go back home anytime soon...

    Welcome to Fallen Pedestals, where the ancient characters of Greek mythology have been stripped of their powers and banished to the busy city of Manhattan. From there, it's up to them: will they try and fit in to the modern day mortal society, or will they spend their time plotting to take the Heavens back by force?

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    check us out; Ω

    Moderator Journal
    Taken Characters
    OOC Comm

    can't wait to see you! Ω

    Restricted Section/Character List/Application/Rules

    Restricted Section is a NON-CANON Harry Potter Year Six Marauder Era RPG. We are looking for experienced,active and adult players who are just looking to have a good time with other talented writers! We're both Het and Slash friendly and were currently looking for SEVERAL main characters, such as

    Alice (Longbottom)
    Frank Longbottom
    Amycus Carrow
    Rabastan LeStrange
    Andromeda Black
    Quidditch Players

    and more!

    Apply now! HURRY! Characters are going FAST! Any questions can be sent to and will be answered as soon as possible! There are rules and guidelines but remember, its all about having fun!

    AU Gundam Wing RP

    In the year After Colony 195, an act of terrorism known covertly as Operation Meteor never happened. Trowa Barton, son of Dekim Barton, aide to the late Heero Yuy, discovered the change in plans that Doktor S (and, separately, the other Gundam scientists) had in mind. When Trowa Barton protested these plans, Doktor S's assistant shot the man, but Trowa did not die. He lived to tell his father, Dekim, of the proposed changes. Dekim Barton then delayed the mission in order to attempt to get the mad scientists to implement the original plan. Thus, Operation Meteor would not happen until AC 200, on the 25th anniversary of the assassination of the politician Heero Yuy.

    The year is After Colony 200. Shooting stars are landing on Earth.

    Princess Playground is an AU Gundam Wing RP in which Operation Meteor happens in AC 200 instead of AC 195. What will be different now that the characters are five years older?

    ~ Premise ~ Apply Here ~ Open Characters ~ Ask Questions ~

    Taken Characters:
    * Heero Yuy
    * Zechs Merquise
    * Treize Khushrenada
    * Dorothy Catalonia

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