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Friday, July 24th, 2009

    Time Event

    Cave Inimicum


    It's summer 2000 and the wizarding world is only just starting to recover from the last wizarding war. Harry, Ron and Neville have just finished putting away the Death Eaters who had gotten away the night of the final battle and all is calm...

    ...Or so they think. Someone is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to make their move. They're gathering followers, but what side are they on? Is it a Death Eater the recovery squad failed to capture? Or a supporter? It could even be a muggleborn waiting to make their move. Only time will tell and when it happens, what side will you be on?

    Cave Inimicum is a canon compliant post-DH game looking for talented and dedicated writers, apply now!

    Game opens at 15 characters.
    Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Weasleys, Death Eaters, Order Members and many others

    Post Bellum

    “Reconciliation should be accompanied by justice, otherwise it will not last. While we all hope for peace it shouldn't be peace at any cost but peace based on principle, on justice.”
    ~Corazon Aquino

    “Reconciliation is to understand both sides; to go to one side and describe the suffering being endured by the other side, and then go to the other side and describe the suffering being endured by the first side.”
    ~Thich Naht Hanh

    Minister of Magic Tiberius Ogden is working to promote the health and well-being of all living things, including both Muggleborn and Pureblooded witches and wizards, as well as elves, goblins, and other magical species. With Mafalda Hopkirk in Azkaban for the foreseeable future, her son is attempting to nurse his fiancee back to health after having been cursed unforgivably by his mother. Ron has just moved in with Harry at Grimmauld Place and they are in the midst of first-year Auror training exams. Hermione Granger is attempting to mend relationships with friends and family after finally understanding that moving in with her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, might not have been the best idea. Ginny is finally taking a big step in her adult life and moving out of the Burrow, leaving Arthur and Molly without any children at home. Theo has just discovered that his sister was fathered by another man and is dealing with the fact that his father killed his mother in revenge. The Brothers Lestrange have all kinds of evil plans in the works, including letting loose an army of werewolves. Roger has been doing research into the limits of Transfiguration with genetic makeup as he progresses is his apprenticeship. Melinda is still trying to find her place after being disowned by her family for starting a band with Tracey, Susan, Mandy and Josh. All this and much, much more!

    [info]post_bellum is a Post-War, Post-Deathly Hallows, non-Epilogue compliant Harry Potter Role-Playing Game.

    Post Bellum RPG*Currently Casting*Characters In Play*Application*Rules*Watchers Community

    We are greatly anticipating recasting applications for: Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Charlie Weasley, Rabastan Lestrange, Mandy Brocklehurst, Dean Thomas, and more. We are also looking for applications for: Arthur Weasley, Rita Skeeter, Ernie MacMillan, and any other characters which might be of interest!

    If you have other questions or would like to request a hold on a character, please feel free to email the moderators at postbellummods at

    Causa Mortis

    § Game Plot § Timeline § FAQ § Rules § Characters §
    § Played-Bys § Wanted § Application §

    In May 1945, Albus Dumbledore defeated Grindewald, the evilest and darkest wizard to date. One month later, Tom Riddle, the charismatic Head Boy of Hogwarts, left the castle for the last time.

    Years later, the unthinkable happened. Tom Riddle, at the age of 40, became the youngest Minister for Magic ever. This young, attractive man with such an urbane nature invigorated the masses, and his induction into office brought upon the "Golden Age" of wizarding Britain. Or so the public thought.

    Over the years, while Tom Riddle was ascending the ranks of the Ministry, he was also gathering his followers, followers who referred to him as Lord Voldemort and themselves Death Eaters, who were in awe of his patience and fortitude, and his plans for Britain. He would rule the wizarding world with an iron fist, purifying the race of wizards and expelling those who did not belong among the elite. But he knew in order to do so without attracting the attention of his critics, he would have to do it slyly. Slowly. And so he waited. Worked.

    Death Eaters and Death Eater Supporters were slowly integrated into the Ministry. Lord Voldemort's closest followers were appointed to important positions throughout the Ministry. Supporters began to take spots that opened up in the Wizengamot. The public remained unaware, unskeptical of the people Tom Riddle appointed; to them, he could do no wrong. Things had been great for the wizarding world, and everyone attributed this fact to Minister Riddle.

    In secret, Lord Voldemort and his Inner Circle were working on a secret project to rid the world of muggleborns. Not even his Outer Circle of Death Eaters knew about this secret project, and in 1980, when Tom Riddle followers took over 50% of the Wizengamot and therefore had the legal power to protect the Minister and his followers, he decided it was time to put his plans into action.

    In August 1980, muggleborns began disappearing. Muggleborns that had done extremely well in school, or were highly respected, or held important places within the Ministry. However, it wasn't until the 31st of August when the Media and the people of Britain took notice - when four people went missing from their homes in a very unique way. Wizards in dark robes and masks broke into their homes and catching the occupants of each home unawares, kidnapped the muggleborns and disappeared into the night.

    Causa Mortis is an AU MWPP game based in 1980. The question is how different would the world be if Tom Riddle took the political reins before he ever began his reign of terror on the wizarding world. There's no prophecy, no Order (yet!), and no way to tell what's going to happen. Game opens September 1 - so get your applications in early! Most Main Characters Available!



    There was no warning and no trigger. No cosmic event to suddenly set their genes into action. They developed over time, from gifted infants to troubled youths to trouble-making young adults. They couldn't fit in so the they fit the world to their needs.

    They changed everything.

    It's been thirty-five years since the first cases were documented, but it's become apparent that the change has been going on for longer. Evolution doesn't wait to be taken on record.

    The year is 2009. The United States hasn't been a unified country for a full decade now. Those in power have become those with power and they have redrawn the borders to reflect supremacy and megalomania. Fiefdoms and warlords battle over the available land. Those with abilities are split between followers, criminals and unwilling participants in the skirmishes that separate areas of influence. Those without have little choice - either attempt to take refuge in Seattle, the last bastion of 'normal' resistance, or make a deal with the devil and sell out to buy out some semblance of existence in the 'freak' territories.

    Warlords is an original-character only game for characters with abilities or the lack thereof.




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