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Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

    Time Event


    There was no warning and no trigger. No cosmic event to suddenly set their genes into action. They developed over time, from gifted infants to troubled youths to trouble-making young adults. They couldn't fit in so the they fit the world to their needs.

    They changed everything.

    It's been thirty-five years since the first cases were documented, but it's become apparent that the change has been going on for longer. Evolution doesn't wait to be taken on record.

    The year is 2009. The United States hasn't been a unified country for a full decade now. Those in power have become those with power and they have redrawn the borders to reflect supremacy and megalomania. Fiefdoms and warlords battle over the available land. Those with abilities are split between followers, criminals and unwilling participants in the skirmishes that separate areas of influence. Those without have little choice - either attempt to take refuge in Seattle, the last bastion of 'normal' resistance, or make a deal with the devil and sell out to buy out some semblance of existence in the 'freak' territories.

    Warlords is an original-character only game for characters with abilities or the lack thereof.

    Most Wanted: Yazhi Wheeler, mutants, normals.

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