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Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

    Time Event
    CLUE: A Mystery RPG
    CLUE: The Game is an online RPG in the spirit of the boardgame, Clue, and who-dunnit style dinner parties. Every round is different, with a new murdered host in a new scenario. A college senior mysteriously dies during Spring Break in St. Bart's, a Nintendo CEO is killed hosting a weekend retreat at his Napa Valley home, residents of a colonial town in 1776 are made to stay within a mile of their homes after a British general has been murdered; the options are endless, the result is never the same.

    Players can choose their perspective: they may know only what their character knows and keep the suspense going, or may read along with the whole game to watch everything unfold. The mystery will remain a mystery exactly as long as you want it to, with clues, conversations, and confrontations building up until your Inspector has solved the crime. CLUE is a fast-paced game with lots of interaction, intrigue, and character development; thusly we do not recommend it for players who are looking for a beginner game.

    Round One Applications Open Now!

    Premise | Rules | Characters | Application | FAQ | The Estate

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    The RPG



    Character Directory

    Most Needed Characters

    Ron Weasley
    Order Members
    'Good' Guys
    Cannon OCs
    Wars always leave scars. Sometimes they're in the shape of missing limbs, or gouges in the flesh, pain in the joints or chronic headaches. But sometimes, they come in the form of nightmares. Sometimes those nightmares don't go away when you open your eyes, as you're forced to relive the horrors of your past. And sometimes these horrors haunt you your whole life, causing stress on your personal and professional life. Sometimes those horrors and those nightmares are so real, that you can't tell the difference between them, and every day life. That's when the nice young men, in their clean white coats, come to take you away.

    To The Sanctuary.

    The Sanctuary, a clean, safe, wholesome environment where former Order Members, former Ministry Aurors, and former Death Eaters can all recover from the horrors of war together, and learn to get along in a calm and controlled space, where everyone gets their own personal room, and an hour a week with a qualified therapist. There are visiting hours, there are group activities, there's a game room, and a large, beautiful garden out back just waiting to help the inhabitants of The Sanctuary ease back into a normal life and cast away their demons.

    If only it wasn't run by a woman who would be better suited as one of the patients, instead of The Director. Cameras and microphones in every room, journals that are private to everyone but her, and the possibility of a punishment around every corner. Oh, you'll write home every week to your family and make sure to tell them how well you're doing, and how happy you are here.. or she'll never let you leave.

    Even then, she might not.

    [game begins] July 6th, 2009. Join today >>>>>

    Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome

    Old world magic with a new world twist.

    Over 1,000 years ago, schools for witches and wizards were founded in European countries to instruct students in magic. Hundreds of years later, late to the party as usual, American witches and wizards started their own school, after the disaster that was the Salem Witch Trials. Since then, Salem Academy has flourished as well as its European cousin schools.

    But Salem has set itself apart with its uniqueness. Core courses like Ritual Magic and Latin, and electives like Integrated Art History and Magical Craft distinguish it from any other magical school in existence. With its distinct blend of Old World and New, and Wizarding and Muggle worlds, this high school's like nothing you've ever seen before.

    Infernous Nova: AU Next Gen RP
    The RPG



    Character Directory
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    Friending Button

    Most Needed Characters

    Please note that we are an AU non canon compliant game.

    On June 19th, 1998 Voldermort was killed after he tried to take Hogwarts, there were many casualties on both sides and but it finally looked like peace was at hand.

    Now almost twenty years later another threat rises from beneath them, it seems that something is attacking the children of Hogwarts. There is panic at first over the attacks since it the creature was in fact in Hogwarts and it was in fact a creature. When Charlie Weasley was put onto the task of finding it all he could comment about was that it was a rather large snake. No one though that it could be Nagini since she died with her master years ago, or did she?

    For Twenty years she has been hiding under Hogwarts waiting for the right time to strike out and help her master regain his former glory. With the Boy Who Lived out of the way she starts by attacking students and if not stopped she will bring back the Dark Lord. The first student killed was Jade Krum, daughter of Viktor and Hermione Krum, but in true Hogwarts fashion the school kept going while taking extra measures. Minister of Magic, Percy Weasley has announced that they are doing everything in their power to stop the newest threat from harming more Hogwarts students.

    Meanwhile the Death Eaters know exactly what's going on since their dark marks have been burning for a while now. Those who still walk the streets and have children in school are starting to recruit them into the fold and telling them to bring a friend. Those that can trust their children let them know what's going on, what this mysterious beast is and why it's killing.

    Soon the Dark Lord will be back, will you stop him or help him?

    GAME BEGINS WITH Ten Characters. Join today>>>>>

    Chaos Awakened
    An AU
    Marauder Era Game


    Game to open July 17
    Or when there are enough characters for play

    Wanted DEs:
    All Lestrange's,
    Lucius Malfoy,
    Lord Voldemort,
    Alecto and Amycus Carrow,
    Augustus Rookwood,
    and many more!

    Wanted Order:
    James Potter, Hestia Jones,
    Peter Pettigrew,
    Emmeline Vance, and more!
    Have you ever asked yourself: What if? What if the future could be altered? What if people didn’t die when “it was their time”? What if they lived on, having been able to escape fate?

    In September 1979, a young and scared man had been fated to die at the terrifying hands of Inferi. While he lay, cold and wet, believing his worst memories were happening right in that moment, he felt a warm hand. The House Elf, sobbing and rocking back and forth, had been found by Albus Dumbledore. While the old wizard couldn’t get a straight answer from the Elf, he did catch snippets of what was said: Master Regulus! Dying! Cave! In that moment, Dumbledore knew what he must do. He could not leave the young man to his death. He had to find a way to save him.

    Dumbledore reached Regulus with little time to spare. The man was writhing on the floor, delusional and sobbing. And in his hand, he held a locket. That curiosity that so often came along with Albus Dumbledore had to be suppressed as he looked around for anything that might help the young man. That’s when he saw the cup. Picking it up quickly, he immediately conjured up water. But the cup wouldn’t hold it. Every time the water was about to touch the cup it would vanish. He was left with only one thing to do. In one swift motion, he dipped his hand into the cold water. The effects were instantaneous: The water practically erupted as the Inferi seemed to come to life. But first, Dumbledore made sure the man received the drink.

    Even as the first drops met his lips, Regulus began to feel the delusions slipping away. He felt his sanity returning to him and it was a moment before he realized what was happening: Albus Dumbledore was fighting off Inferi that were threatening to attack. Once his mind was cleared, Regulus joined in the fight. He remembered the little boat and wondered if they would both be able to fit in it. They certainly couldn’t swim back, and he had tried Apparition. But even that hadn’t worked.

    But he needn’t figure out a plan, for Dumbledore had already figured it out. “Get in the boat!” Came the booming voice and Regulus was quick to obey. He entered the boat and when he had squeezed to the opposite end he realized the boat was moving. It had left without the older wizard. He had tried to stop the boat, but it wouldn’t seize its journey back, and when he had exited it on the opposite bank it returned immediately to the little island. Regulus waited impatiently and before too long, the boat was returning with a still-fighting Dumbledore in its center. The boat docked, Dumbledore stepped out, and the two of them ran for the entrance to the cave.

    Regulus could not return to his old life. He could not return home and expect to see his parents again, because he had betrayed the Dark Lord and Kreacher had already told them he was dead and he would surely be found out for his betrayal. Instead, he was allowed to stay at Hogwarts until he was able to figure out a plan.

    It is now December 1979 and with Dumbledore’s help, Regulus was able to hide his identity and begin a new life. The tides had turned and while he was once a firm follower of Lord Voldemort, his beliefs had changed. Within a matter of months he had been allowed into the Order of the Phoenix as a full-fledged member. Now, with his help the Order just may be able to crack the secrets. They may be able to save those whose lives would surely be lost.
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