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Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

    Time Event
    Vas Captio RPG
    Vas Captio

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    The fading stench of sulfur is still lingering in the air when you wake up, disoriented and groggy, the gentle rain aiding to bring you back to consciousness. Wherever you were, whether you were sleeping or simply resting your eyes at the time, is long gone.

    Now, you're in the middle of the forest and beside the fact that you were one place last you remember and are now in completely another, something else still feels off. On your person is nothing except a small "survival kit" with an unfamiliar logo; two words in Latin: Vas Captio. The kit contains soggy matches, a packet of Tic Tacs, a pair of tube socks, a bottle of water, and a journal with a pen taped to it. When you finally feel together enough to get up and walk, making your way out of the forest, you come upon an abandoned village.

    Welcome to Vas Captio. You're on our time now, so sit back, try to relax, and just be yourself. That's why you're here, after all; we are very interested in studying you. But, then, you'll find that out soon enough on your own.

    Vas Captio is a panfandom horror/survival game that opened on Saturday, March 21st. We are currently accepting character holds and applications.

    New big plot arc is starting! Get your apps in now!

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