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Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

    Time Event

    Deep within the Canopus System lies the planet, Soter, a world strangely similar to Earth that was abandoned long ago by its original inhabitants. Placed on the black market, the planet was eventually purchased by a eccentric man known only as The Collector. He spent many years restoring the planet's greatest city, Colligo, to its former glory and many intergalactic entrepreneurs believed he intended to turn Colligo into one of the greatest vacation destinations the known galaxy had ever seen.

    They were wrong.

    Instead, Colligo became The Collector's display case for his personal collection of people. During the time he spent restoring Colligo, he also began selecting worthy specimens to start his collection with and others to be added to it later. These unfortunate people, after having been grabbed from their respective planets, times, and realities, awaken within the Colligo's Grand Library, a massive building filled with books whose pages are blank, devoid of pictures or words. They are unaware of where they are or how they got there and are soon ushered out into the city by guards dressed in medieval armor. No matter what abilities the new addition possesses, fighting the guards is impossible - as is leaving Colligo.

    You, unfortunately, have caught The Collector's eye and have been added to his collection. You're faced with two choices: learn to live in this city or die trying to escape it. The choice is yours.

    Colligo is a panfandom game set in an original world. We are het/slash/femme friendly and welcome any fandom out there. The Collector wants you.
    // premise // rules // faq // taken // wanted // holds // application //
    Taken / Held

    Most Wanted
    Have you ever experienced the following...
    ☐ Color changes in the iris depending on mood?
    ☐ Thoughts entering your mind that are not your own?
    ☐ Discoloration of the skin and/or hair, including pink, green and the all famous periwinkle?
    ☐ Elements bending to your will?
    ☐ Lightning actually striking those who cross you?
    ☑ A tall giant appearing in the middle of your bedroom in a burst of blue, sparkly orbs and claims he's from a school for mutants and would like to whisk you (yes, YOU!) away to this magical mansion where you can learn to control your abilites, continue school studies and possibly go out on a date in Paris during your free time?
    Have you mutated recently?


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