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Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

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    Durmstrang Uber Alles - A Durmstrang Harry Potter game on Inksome!

    Only the strong survive.

    In its inception, the Durmstrang Institute accepted all promising students who had magical aptitude. However, the rise of the wizard Grindelwald and increasing tensions between the social classes resulted in the expulsion of any non-pureblooded students. Now, known Muggleborns and halfbloods are no longer accepted, and the school is known for pureblooded wizards, study of Dark Arts, rigid social classes, and tradition.

    Students that graduate from Durmstrang are the most talented, the strongest, the brightest, and the best. Stakes are high, and not all students will succeed. Some may never make it to graduation. Are you strong enough to survive?


    It's a sunny day in the kingdom of Frell...

    ...and all the inhabitants are living a simple, happy life. King Char and his Queen Ella are resting peacefully in their graves, and all seems to be normal.

    Or is it?

    Ogres roam the land, hoping to capture and eat those not smart enough to escape them. Fairies cast spells, elves read minds, and books can be magical. All in all it's not your average place.

    Then one day something happens. A coach traveling from a far away land brings with it a sick passenger. Soon, the sickness spreads throughout the kingdom.

    Every day more people in Frell are dying from The Gray Death, its fingers taking hold of thousands of lives.

    Happily ever after was just the beginning...

    Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books.

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    Erased: Where cartoons meet reality!

    It started with Pixar. While Woody felt himself being swiftly replaced by a shiny, new Rocketman, the two dimensional cartoon world saw the beginning of what would be their end. Some cartoons had already slipped into a comfortable retirement, but most saw the death of their own genre as the shiny, three dimensional world took over. But, instead of being erased from pop culture history, the old world entered the new. Broke through it, in fact.

    Roger Rabbit was the first to leave Toontown. He had always been known for having one foot in the door and one out, but better for being completely obsolete as soon as his movie ended. One morning he woke up in the real life body of Roger Baxter, an up and coming television star. The two Rogers were forced to make sense of each other, exist in the same body and help other cartoons that were jumping off the page into the streets of Los Angeles.

    This is Erased. A game about your childhood and how it just can't seem to slip away.

    Nostalgia can never be Erased...

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