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Sunday, April 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Charing Cross; Post-DH RPG

    Charing Cross

    It's 2003, the Wizarding World has come a long way since the Final Battle. Death Eaters have been tried and dealt with fairly under the watchful eye of the new Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt and a reformed Wizengamot. Diagon Alley and Hogwarts have been rebuilt. Slowly the magical community has rebuilt and healed from the destruction of Voldemort's reign.

    Charing Cross is a game that explores the social and professional lives of our favorite Harry Potter Characters as they live their lives in this new rebuilt society. The main action takes place in and around Diagon Alley, which is much more than the one-street world we saw in canon. In the past five years Diagon Alley has become not only the Magical Center of London, but of all of Britain. New shops have opened, small cafes have been founded and residential buildings are quickly filling up, so claim your spot now!
    Where Wizards Come to Play

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    It's a sunny day in the kingdom of Frell...

    ...and all the inhabitants are living a simple, happy life. King Char and his Queen Ella are resting peacefully in their graves, and all seems to be normal.

    Or is it?

    Ogres roam the land, hoping to capture and eat those not smart enough to escape them. Fairies cast spells, elves read minds, and books can be magical. All in all it's not your average place.

    Then one day something happens. A coach traveling from a far away land brings with it a sick passenger. Soon, the sickness spreads throughout the kingdom.

    Every day more people in Frell are dying from The Gray Death, its fingers taking hold of thousands of lives.

    Fair is a role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books.

    Happily ever after was just the beginning.
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