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Thursday, April 16th, 2009

    Time Event

    Sometimes when I'm alone, I hear the Piper calling...

    Deep in the woods where no one goes there is a village like none other; it is a place where the houses are made of gingerbread and the trees are full of birds singing to the dawn of each day. And just beyond the giggling stream, there rests a dark castle. This is a world full of witches and their craft…where fairy tales come to life, and where those who enter never return home.

    It is here the Pied Piper waits, king and jack of all trades. His hall is filled with the laughter of stolen children; fairy tales run rampant and free. Brings a whole new meaning to happily ever after...

    ...Now from whence I came there is no return
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    Mods | RPG | OOC
    Premise | Wanted | Rules | Cast | Apply

    Now A Photo PB Game

    This frontier town of magic will become a battleground. Which side will you be fighting on? The Victorian Company rules Memphis. They sell magical perfume for all occasions. Perfumes for love, success and money. Attraction. Success. Perfumes for all purposes, magical perfumes, and love oils that force men and women to be slaves. They are the law. Fight against them and they will destroy you.

    P E R F U M E: A Supernatural Western RPG

    ...And reflected in our world.

    Peacedale, Vermont. A normal town with normal people. Nothing weird. Totally normal. Uh, except people have the same basic characteristics as comic book characters. Yeah. Like, Batman is an ex-cop or something who is like "lol taking the law into my own handz" and well he's sort of the same. And like, the character powers aren't really there. YET. YEAH. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND.

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Holds | Apply
    Mods | Game | OOC

    Game will start when we get something like 7 applications or so.
    (Yeah. We're professional. Can't you tell? =D)

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