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Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

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    Sanguinarias: a vampire RP

    some are born to sweet delight,
    some are born to endless night. -William Blake

    In very recent years, Japanese scientists have invented a 'synthetic blood' that is capable of fully sustaining a vampire's diet. Sort of like a vampiric 'slim fast'; the drink, now mass marketed under the name TruBlood, has allowed many vampires to come out of the shadows and into mainstream society.

    Now that humans are no longer an entrée, vampires have "come out of the coffin" to demand their place in society complete with equal rights and citizenship. Religious leaders and government officials around the world have chosen their sides and a full-on political war is in progress.

    Feeling that they have sat back and watched these battles long enough, many powerful and ancient vampires begin to migrate toward the lush and decadent city of New Orleans, one of the country's strongest vampiric hot spots, where they are drawn by the call of their brethren to meet and discuss what these changes may mean for immortal "life" as they know it. But what will come of such an influx of power and what will it mean for the Vampire Rights Movement? Some are willing to give up the lifeblood that fuels their existence in order to join human society and others will try and take back the night. Which side will you be on?

    Sanguinarias is a (limited) cross-fandom roleplay loosely based upon HBO's True Blood.


    Fate/Shadow Symphony: War for the Holy Grail

    | Rules | Premise | Application |
    | MOD | RP | OOC |

    The Holy Grail War has begun.

    Fate/shadow symphony is an original character RP set in the Fate/stay night universe.

    Seven Masters. Seven Servants.

    Each player controls a Master/Servant pair.

    The ghosts of heroes will make war -- both those past and yet to be.

    You don't need to know Fate/stay night to play.

    The winners will be granted the Holy Grail -- that which grants all wishes.

    We start when we accept five players.

    But the Grail itself is only an illusion.

    Currently needed:

    [info]xcaddlecott_ is a role playing community set in an AU sub-city of Ocean City, Maryland known as Caddlecott. The general idea is that it's basically a city where all sorts of people live and interact together. They can go to high school, go to college, have a job, be in a band, be a bum on the streets, whatever you'd prefer. Almost all characters are allowed. This includes, but isn't limited to: musicians, actors, actress', friends/family of celebrities, original characters, djs, sports players, t.v. hosts, comedians, etc. The only non-accepted characters would be vampires and things of that nature, simply because this community is not a vampire community or anything of that sort. If you'd like to be a character but are unsure if they're an acceptance, contact me and talk to me about it. Your character can be any age from 14-25. Male pregnancy is allowed. This is a Livejournal community that takes place on AIM and Livejournal. We're an active community that has been running for over three years now and have built up a great character base, but more characters are always welcome and there are several popular RP picks up for grabs! Anything else you need to know should be listed in the rules, and if you have any further questions you can contact the MOD using the MOD contact information provided in the community userinfo. Check out [info]xcaddlecott_ today!

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