Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

    Time Event
    It's time for an intervention.

    Okay. You've seen our ads around. Perhaps you've even clicked through the community. So far, so good. Still, I can't help but notice you haven't applied. That's okay -- we'll work through this together. Just repeat after me: my name is ______, and I haven't joined Connotation.

    The first step is admitting you have a problem.

    That's right. A problem. There's really just no other explanation for you not to have joined with so many major characters still available (like the Potters and all the Lestranges) and a real plot that encourages character development. And that's not even mentioning the amazing cast that's already pretty active on the out of character community (check out the number of journal entries and comments here) waiting for you to join. But that's okay. We all make mistakes.

    Here's how to fix it:

    Go read our premise here. (Just a little spoiler? Muggles are going to find out about the wizarding world and they won't take it well.) Then, pick a character here, place a hold, and apply. It's that simple. We'll be waiting.

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