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Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    Durmstrang Uber Alles - a Durmstrang-based HP game on Inksome
    The wizarding world goes far beyond the walls of Hogwarts. The Durmstrang Institute was created by German scholars for the magical instruction of Eastern European wizards sometime after the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was established. In its inception, Durmstrang accepted all promising students who had magical aptitude. However, the rise of the wizard Grindelwald and increasing tensions between the social classes resulted in the expulsion of any non-pureblooded students. Now, known Muggleborns and halfbloods are no longer accepted, and the school is known for pureblooded wizards, study of Dark Arts, rigid social classes, and tradition. Students that graduate from Durmstrang are the most talented, the strongest, the brightest, and the best. Stakes are high, and not all students will succeed. Some may never make it to graduation.

    Are you strong enough to survive?

    Game Info//Characters wanted


    A.U. Harry Potter Fifth Year

    Fifteen years ago the Potters placed a Fidelius Charm upon their home, making Sirius Black their Secret Keeper. Lord Voldemort never discovered their location and feigned his retreat. Harry grew up in a loving home. Neville was not coddled but loved. Upon entering Hogwarts, Harry learned the world was not exactly as his parents and uncles had made it out to be. Neville was pleased that everything was what he had hoped for.

    In 1995 the world is changing. It has become a place of tension and strife.

    When Bartemius Crouch Senior came into office he led the largest dark wizard hunt of the century. His nets caught the blundering and the stupid but allowed the slipperiest of the Dark Lord’s followers through, including his own son. Barty Crouch Junior, under the direction of his Lord, went on to work for his father at the Ministry. At the beginning of the present school year he was inducted as the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

    The Ministry is rife with corruption. Death Eaters lie in wait for their Lord’s return. Their day is here and now. If the Order cannot handle it, if the Ministry is too subverted to control it, then what are the Prophesied Children to do? It is up to Harry and Neville to rise to the occasion, for the sake of the Wizarding World.

    Game Details

    :.Available Characters.:.Played Bys.:.Rules.:.FAQs.:.Holds.:.Application.:

    Tweak! is an AU Harry Potter fifth year that focuses on both adult and teenage spheres and scenes. Gameplay begins on February 15th, with the school year already under way.

    WANTED CHARACTERS: Students! Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley. Adults! Dolores Umbridge, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Barty Crouch Sr, Lord Voldemort, Lily and James Potter. Professors! McGonagall, Vector, Hagrid, Quirrel. And many more!

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