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Sunday, December 7th, 2008

    Time Event

    "The time has come for us to fight. Fight back with every fibre of our being. Our freedoms, the very basis on which our country is run from day to day, are being threatened. The time to express our beliefs and our fears is upon us now. The time to strike at those who cut us down is now. The time to fight back and be heard is now. It is an individual duty for every man who can do it in any territory in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the lands of our people from their grip.

    Democracy is to be cherished, to be protected, and to resurrect. We will not fall in line and adhere to their needs; we will not sacrifice our beliefs and our freedoms for a treacherous and unrestricted regime. We shall rise and smash the company granted the most powerful position in this country. My fellow countrymen, deny them the right to control your land. Deny them the win in October! In November! Deny them before they deny us more than they’ve already refused!

    Those who do not fight are the enemy of every true citizen of this land, and legitimate targets. There can be no victory without supremacy. We will smash the Victorian Company."

    Will you join the revolution?

    Rules/Jobs/Application Post/Magic/Locations/FAQS/Info

    Needed! Iscariot members. Victorian Company workers. Prostitutes. Black marketeers.

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