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Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

    Time Event

    Venatio Venefici: a Harry Potter Next Gen RPG
    It is the year 2022, and the wizarding world of Britain has flourished since the fall of Lord Voldemort. With Kingsley Shacklebolt as the Minister of Magic and reconstruction after the war complete, life is rather ordinary for the next generation of wizards and witches attending school at Hogwarts. That is, until they discover that the Triwizard Tournament has returned. With the introduction of twenty new students and the temporary hiatus of interhouse competition for Quidditch and House cups, the students must learn to cast aside their differences and work together while enjoying the differences that make everyone unique. But they are, after all, teenagers and most everyone knows that things can always turn unexpected, especially when magic is involved.

    Game begins July 1st! Accepting Applications Now!

    Wanted: James Potter, Scorpius Malfoy! Welcome to Originals!


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