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Monday, March 8th, 2004

    Time Event
    Two self-generated D&D player races.
    One is fantasy-based but not in D&D in this fashion, the other I developed from Gauntlet Legends.

    Both are extremely in the pending zone and open to constructive and not-so constructive criticizm.


    Jackalors are also known as 'Servants of Anubis' or simply Jackal-men. They are bipedal, man-sized humanoids with the face of a jackal, and legs bent slightly like those of a canine. Their skin is coal-black, with small and practically invisible amounts of fur. Their ribcages are rather easily visible beneath the flesh, however they have quite strong and muscled arms and legs.

    Jackalors have a distinct hierarchy--those who are literate and are adept at casting spells rank as nobility--they wear gold-rimmed robes which cover the front of their chests, their shoulders and backs, as well as a gold-rimmed kilt-like loincloth, long pieces of cloth hanging down in front of and behind them, between their legs. On their heads is an Egyptian-style headress, gold-banded, with possibly a small figuirine at the very top--a family crest in most cases. The colours of the non-gold sections of their clothings can vary rather greatly. Many wear gold jewellery such as rings, armlets, bracers or bracelets. Noble Jackalors have a motivation to adventure slightly less than the lower class, for their lives are fairly comfortable in their societies. They mature at 12 years of age.

    Those with no magical aptitude or low intelligence serve as manual labourers, guardians or foot soldiers, however these warriors extremely skilled in their area may become nobility to some extent. These jackalors have no headress, wear iron or steel bracelets or bracers, and wear a simple loincloth, with the possbility of the family crest on the belt, if the Jackalor was born from nobility yet without magical powers, or just lucky. Non-magically apt Jackalors mature at 10 years of age.

    Alignment: Those within the cities tend to be lawful, ranging from lawful neutral to lawful evil, however those that leave their societies are almost always chaotic.
    Ages: They mature at 12 if Noble and 8 if not (culture-wise), become middle-aged at 40, old at 60, Venerable at 80 and die 1d10 years later.
    *Names: Don't ask me! Why don't YOU go ask them yourself huh? I dunno, I'll guess something ancient Egyptian or whatever, or just make them up!
    Deities: Well there's no Anubis or other Egyptian deity in D&D, so I'd say Wee Jas (or whichever one is the goddess of death magic or whatever) or an adaptation of an Egyptian deity.

    They weigh anything from 80lbs-200lbs, and stand at heights of 5'11" to 7'1".

    -Racial traits-

    ~Jackalors receive +2 str and +2 cha, however suffer -4 constitution and -2 wisdom.
    ~Jackalors have a base speed of 30 feet, but receive the run feat free.
    ~Jackalors receive a penalty of -2 on fortitude and reflex saves, but gain +1 to will saves.
    ~Jackalors of any class are proficient with no armour, but are proficient with only simple weapons and all polearms (spears, halberds, scythes etc, as well as staves and the like, incuring no penalties for fighting using a double weapon as long as it is classified as a polerarm in some way, shape or form.)
    ~If a Jackalor can make one round of eye contact with another being, it can force the being to perform a *fort/will save with a DC of 5+Jackalor's character level. If the check fails, the target is petrified.
    ~Jackalors can go for two weeks without food without suffering penalties of any kind until that time passes.
    ~Listen is treated as a class skill for Jackalors, always.
    ~Natural weapons include bite (1d4 damage, increases to 2d4 at level 12, strength modifier increases the damage) and claws (1d2 damage, advances to 2d2 at level 5, 2d4 at level 16, can perform two strikes + dex mod as one attack, if both hands are empty)
    Automatic languages: Noble Jackalors: Common, Undercommon. Normal Jackalors: Undercommon. (Must spend 1 skill point in order to be able to read and write Common)
    Favoured Class: Sorceror and Fighter. (Fighter Jackalors receive one extra feat from the list at first level, Sorcerors gain 2 more 1st level spells at 1st level, and 1 extra available spell at every 4 levels thereafter

    Call that the alpha stage--open to all suggestions and angry shouts of disbelief at the stupidity of this whole idea. Nothing is certain yet.

    *Haven't decided.

    The next race--yeah, so it's found in the Monster Manual v3.5 with completely different stats, but let's just say this is a different species.

    Race: Trolls

    These species of trolls differ from the prowling carnivorous beasts of the wild. Many groups even possess the mentality to form small, crude societies. It is believed that these more civilized trolls have the blood of more intelligent races, however they lack some of the strength of their more vicious cousins. They are somewhat larger, with wider and shorter limbs, covered in bulging muscle. Their skin hues may vary from green to brown to grey, and even to blue, and their hair is either not present, or in long, matted wisps of metallic blue, white, black or grey. They are generally 7-10 feet tall and weigh 450-600lbs.

    Trolls rarely mix with other races, however those without a vaguely good nature usually break into fights with almost any other sentient being, due to their low intelligence.
    Alignment: Trolls are always chaotic, however there are a few chaotic good trolls, mostly chaotic neutral and evil.
    Ages: Trolls mature at 8 years old, become middle-aged at 20, old at 35, venerable at 50 and die 30 years later at the latest (3d10 if you want to get very rule-ish). They suffer the ability modifications for age only at venerable and old, only stat increases at venerable and stat penalties of -1 both times.
    Religion: Most trolls have no religion, but some the same as barbarians (Kord, Obad-Hai, Erythnul)
    Names: Troll names are limited to single-syllable words which are easy to pronounce and can be vaguely menacing

    Racial traits
    -Large size, cannot wear armour except for specially crafted armours and light furs.
    -Troll base speed is 15 feet
    -Trolls receive a +3 racial bonus to all saves against all arcane spells
    -+4 str and +4 con, -4 int, -2 cha, -2 dex
    -Trolls regain 1 hit point each hour of rest (non-strenuous activity) and regain 1 extra hitpoint per day, regardless of activity
    -Trolls receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidation checks due to their nature and size, and Intimidation is a class skill, always.
    -Trolls require 2 skill points to be spent before being able to become literate, 4 if they are barbarian or have an Int of 5 or less
    -Trolls receive a +2 racial bonus in fortitude saves against poisons
    -Damage reduction at levels 6 (1), 12, (2),20 (3), cumulative with barbarian
    -Trolls require double the experience to advance in level
    - Available classes: Sorceror, Barbarian, Fighter, Druid, Ranger
    Automatic languages: Common, Giant

    There you have it...

    Your thoughts?

    NB: Both the Troll and Jackalor are my adaptations/creations, so don't steal without permission or I'll be forced to ask you nicely to give me due credit.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: This comp has sucky speakers.

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