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Monday, June 24th, 2019

    Time Event
    2-5 players for a panfandom GPSL, with a twist:

    A dark fantasy world, take inspiration from (everything before the last 2 seasons of) Game of Thrones, Marvel 1606, the Castlevaynia Netflix series,  et cetera. Characters can be from whatever fandom, they just have to be integrated into the setting (like Marvel 1606). ie. Lord Wayne, who lost his parents to a cutpurse in his youth. Now he spends his nights riding the streets of Gotham, defending the helpless as the Batknight; Samuel and Dean Winchester are monster hunters, who ride across the land, doling out their own brand of justice against creatures of necromancy; et cetera. There's also the fun of creating shared histories ie. the secret kingdoms of Themyscira and Wakanda have always been allies, due to their enlightened societies surrounded by ignorance and darkness, or what have you.

    For one reason or another, our characters all find themselves stranded in the Barony of Sylvania. A region once proud and rich, now subject to superstition and darkness. Across the countryside, there are stories of werewolves and the dead rising to feast upon the living. In the cities, the nobility throw opulent feasts, bedecked in finery decades out of favor in other lands.The land seems to be rotting from within. It involves Vampires, and their Lord Dracula- or someone who looks and acts a lot like him. The kind of vampires who are burned by sunlight, driven back by Holy Symbols, et cetera. REAL Vampires. Looking for anyone interested in a bit of worldbuilding, and playing in a gothic horror setting.

    Characters can ship or get it on, as players feel like.

    I'll be playing 1-2 male het characters, who precisely dependent on what kind of interest there is. At the moment, Charlie Hunnam as King Arthur, and/or Tyrone Johnson/Cloak, Hercules, Blade, Wolverine, and Aquaman are all on the table. Open to other ideas. Comments are screened, but we can set up a brainstorming thread or discord if people are interested.

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