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Saturday, February 6th, 2016

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    There had been some kind of settlement on the shores of Lake Serenity since well before records began. Nestled in the valley and surrounded by mountains in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, it was a beautiful and serene spot. Eventually, settlers founded the town of Tranquility.

    Tranquility remained a small town and at the turn of the twenty-first century existed mainly as a tourist destination. The family campground, the high class resort, the celebrity rehab center.

    Now, it is a town divided: the Spa resort that offers luxury and style - for those that can pay the price. The campground that has become an enclave for families trying to get by. The shanty town that floods in bad weather, where crime is rife and the rule of law non-existent. The human-only enclave in the mountains, determined to protect their patch - at all costs as they prepare for the end of the world.

    Tranquility Point is a game set in an alternative near future, two years after the outbreak of World War Three. It is not focused on the war itself, but on a small town where people are trying to get away from it.

    Every country in the world is involved in the war - but it was the emergence of the supernatural that tipped civilisation over the edge. The intention had been to help. Major world powers, trying to avoid the 'nuclear solution' revealed their various 'projects'. In some cases, it was the existence of military breeding programs, such as the creation of regiments of werewolves. For others, it was 'specialist individual supernatural assets' (SISAs) of many and varied types. The aim had been shock and awe - only to find that almost everyone had supernatural assets of some description.

    The effect on the general populous of the world, those that had lived unaware of what was coming, was mass panic. People fled population centres. International borders collapsed under the strain. Refugees became the norm, heading for anywhere they deemed safe, regardless of country of origin.

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