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Saturday, September 12th, 2015

    Time Event
    City of Clouds RPG. Multi Fandom Game.


    The RPG

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    RPG Comm
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    You wake up alone, feeling dizzy and very cold.
    Your initial thought is that you’re dead, freezing cold and surrounded by white wispy cloud, but something is wrong. Surely if you were in heaven you wouldn’t feel like your back was on fire where you’d hit the ground?

    You rise shakily to your feet, willing the world to stop spinning and looking around you for something, anything to centre and locate yourself. Your eyes settle on a tower and you stumble towards it, willing your legs to work properly in the cold.

    As you walk through the door of the tower block a bright faced blonde girl greets you and directs you to a postbox with your name on it. Inside is a phone, an earpiece, a keycard and a piece of paper. The piece of paper gives you a room number, instructions for the earpiece, including the spoken open broadcast code and instructions for the phone.
    At the bottom are the words ‘Welcome to City of Cloud.’


    ‘City of Clouds’ is a panfandom game set in/on a partially sentient, large, floating city.

    It is a points based game to encourage participation all round.

    Upon arrival, each character finds themselves in a random place, be it part of the main city structure or the surrounding grounds, but feel a ‘need’ to head towards one of the two central, looming apartment towers. There they meet Nephele - a blonde girl who acts at the receptionist for the towers - and receive their ‘Welcome pack’.

    The City is a mystery. The reason you are here and how you have been brought there are unknown but with the City floating high in the clouds, there’s no way of leaving.

    .If this type of game appeals to you then check out the links and join us!

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us:

    GAME BEGINS FRIDAY 28th AUGUST Join today>>>>>

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