December 8th, 2009

[info]shootsfirst in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Helena Bertinelli & Pamela Isley
When: December 7th, 2009
Where: Willow Hill Mall
What: Helena encounters a persistent perfume lady in Pam, but this perfume isn't sold in stores.
Rated: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

What was a woman to do? )

[info]revmeup in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Dr. Harleen Quinel & The Joker
When: December 8th, 2009
Where: Arkham Asylum
What: Role reversal can lead to some interesting revelations
Rated: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Paging Doctor J )

[info]lady_zee in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Zatanna Zatara + OPEN
When: 12/08/09
Where: shopping district, Gotham, NJ
What: Zatanna does some Christmas shopping (and mopes a little).
Rated: G
Status: [Incomplete]

So much for the retail therapy theory... )