October 31st, 2009

[info]flyingsolo in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Open to Everyone! (just please tag yourself when you join in.)
When: Saturday, Oct 31. Halloween. (See the modly timeline. :) )
Where: Gotham City. Haly's Circus.
What: Haly's Circus puts on a large charity gala to help rebuild Gotham after the events of last year and the Joker attacks earlier in the year.
Rated: PG
Status: Incomplete!

There was a reason it was called the greatest show on earth. )


[info]nowfearthis in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Jonathan Crane
When: Saturday, Oct 31, 2pm
Where: Jonathan's apartment
What: Arts & crafts.
Rated: PG
Notes: I apologize if this makes no sense; I busted it out before I had to run out my door for lunch/work. D:

...Then what's to do? Watch it close. Let it brew. Wait. )