September 27th, 2009

[info]darkknightahead in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Batman and MAYBE YOU! (Open) Batgirl
When: After midnight, Sunday September 27
Where: Gotham City roof tops
What: On the trail of one of the other Gotham City vigilantes
Rated: PG
Status: Complete

Someone else was doing his job.

There were copycats before, but this was an escalation. )

[info]nowfearthis in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Dr. Jonathan Crane & Amanda Myers (NPC)
When: After midnight, Friday Sept. 25
Where: Arkham Asylum basement
What: Clinical testing.
Rated: PG-13
Status: Complete

I'm Dr. Crane, and I'm going to be working with you from now on. )

[info]revmeup in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Dr. Harleen Quinzel & Dr. Jonathan Crane
When: September 27th - Late
Where: Arkham Asylum
What: Harley brings a late dinner for Dr. Crane. She is rewarded with her life. Hopefully.
Rated: PG-13
Status: Complete

It's never too late to help someone )