August 28th, 2009

[info]revmeup in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Harleen Quinzel and Pamela Isley
When: August 28th - evening
Where: Organic Haven - Gotham's most eco-friendly grocer
What: Harley and Pam meet again, and this time numbers are exchanged
Rated: G

What can I say? I like 'em sweet. )

[info]shootsfirst in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Helena Bertinelli and Vic Sage
When: August 28th - late evening
Where: A charity event of sorts
What: Vic and Helena meet in a pool of mobsters. Tensions are high.
Rated: PG

Standing here with me may just bring a swifter death )

[info]riddle_riddle in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Edward Nigma
When: August 22 (backdated) 7:00 pm
Where: The Riddler's secret hideout
What: Poking through Harley's computer
Rated: PG

Technically speaking, what he wasn't doing was hacking... )