August 10th, 2009

[info]shootsfirst in [info]roguesgallery

Who: The Huntress and Rico Panessa (NPC)
When: August 7th - 2:34 AM
Where: Outdoor parking garage, downtown Gotham
What: Rico Panessa meets his fate at the hands of a new mask
Rated: R - cursing and violence

One down )

[info]will_bat_4_you in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Barbara Gordon
When: Aug. 10th, 3am
Where: The Gordon family kitchen
What: Barbara asks herself some very important questions
Rated: G

Now only one question really kept her awake at night. )

[info]riddle_riddle in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Edward Nigma (the Riddler)
When: Aug. 10th, 10:24 pm
Where: The Riddler's super secret hideout.
What: The Riddler makes preparations
Rated: PG

What n00bs... )

[info]toxic_revenger in [info]roguesgallery

Who: Dr. Pamela Isley
When: Aug 10 - 10:12am
Where: A small toxic dumping ground outside Arkham Asylum
What: Pam does an interview about why she's protesting on toxic soil
Rated: PG

What would you say to your critics? )