The Roaring 20s OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Roaring 20s OOC

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Game event! [24 Jun 2013|01:15pm]
Man have I been slacking! Sorry guys, this month has just been incredibly busy for me. Looks like it has been for you all as well, but fear not, we've still got some time left to do this month's event! No for real I was waiting for some good gifs from TGG to drop...

On Friday, June 28, James Wolf/Zeus will be throwing one hell of a rager at his mansion. There'll be booze, girls, gambling, music and more. Of course, only the Olympians are technically invited, but that doesn't mean there won't be some gate crashers.

So what should you do with this info? Whatever you want! Write about your character trying to sneak into the party and stay away from the security. Maybe your character has too much to drink and feels up the wrong person! Maybe there's a tryst in the background that no one else can know about. The plot is entirely up to you!

This will be a group thread, and the post will be put up by the mod in the morning to give everyone all over the place time to get going. So you have a week to plan out whatever scene you'd like, or you can completely wing it. Get to it! Questions? Concerns? Leave 'em here!

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