The Roaring 20s OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Roaring 20s OOC

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housekeeping [01 Jun 2013|10:14pm]
Hey guys! It's that time of month again -- time for an activity check! Please comment here with each of your character accounts by June 8th, next Saturday.

And there are a few announcements -- in our ever expanding selection of pantheons, you can now apply for Nordic, Native American, and Voodoo deities. If you have any suggestions for pantheons (excluding current religions like Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam), feel free to drop me a note.

Lastly, this month's event is going to be a party thread! In the same vein as the Great Gatsby, Zeus will be throwing a huge party at his place (or elsewhere, if locations are suggested/offered). More details on that later! Drop any questions or comments in the modbox. Thanks for playing!
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