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housekeeping [12 Apr 2013|08:14pm]
Please be sure to run the friends adder, as we've just gained a Makaria ([info]blessedone), but lost a harpie and our Heracles.
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[12 Apr 2013|11:07pm]
So hi! This would be the aforementioned Makaria!

Her myth history? Once upon a time, Persephone and Hades did it (real Hades, not Zeus in disguise Hades), and she was born. And then she did things for them. And that's the extent of any information on Makaria.

Here, her name is Clara Bordeaux, the ignored child of Robert Schwarz because he was a mean dad and didn't want her. She's a quiet girl who has to be right in all the things and doesn't really care for small talk or socializing or much of anything that is fun really.

Since she was itty bitty, Robert has been giving her mother money to take care of the kid and to sort of keep the fact that he has a kid quiet. Much like Ebenezer Scrooge, he's attached to his money, so he has decided he's not going to give her and her mother any more.

This is not okay. Clara decided that she was not cool with her father getting married and writing her out of his life, so she's going to go toe to toe with the old man and make sure he can't sweep her under the rug with a letter of goodbye.

So that's the long and short of it. Looking forward to releasing her on the masses!
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