Ripple in Time: Out of Character Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Ripple in Time: Out of Character Community

  • Everything we do, even the slightest thing, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.
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[04 Oct 2018|07:28pm]

Hey guys I'm going to drop Amalia, Emily & Lance and just focus on Thomas & Sophia for now. I might bring the others back at some point but honestly life is so up and down I'd prefer to focus on those two as they have more connection and plot atm and I know wtf I'm doing with them.

[16 Sep 2018|08:22am]

Hello strangers I have returned to the land down under, the land of the shitty timezone, away from all you amazing people.

Anyway yes I'm off hiatus.

I also have zero clue as to what is happening in the game.

Um halp? Also I have bingo cards I need to go look at and plot with people (also I can't even remember who all are my chars. OOps)
♥ Alex (Thomas Holmes, Amalia London, Lance Potter, Sophia Quirke, Emily Spencer and crap IDK. Do I have other chars? I don't think I do but who knows lol)

[27 Aug 2018|09:46pm]

I promise to make this quick. Lis here. I know most of you. If not, waves. I bring in Mina Hansen, non-elite High School nurse. Previously she worked at the non-elite hospital but took a break from being a nurse to become a sex worker to pay off her brother's gambling debts. She's crossing every finger she has that nobody recognizes her from that little side trip.

Long story short, Mina is a sweetheart. She sees the best in everyone and has the terrible flaw of being unable to say no. Mina does things that need to be done, even if the route to solving an issue is distasteful. Currently, she doesn't care much for politics (there are much more pressing needs: ie paying her bills) and leaves that for others.

Also, someone needs to give her babies, stat. They probably don't need to even be hers biologically either.

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