Ripple in Time: Journal Community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ripple in Time: Journal Community

  • Everything we do, even the slightest thing, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.
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text to simon briscoe, 8/11. [25 Sep 2018|02:06pm]
Heard rumors that they were looking for enforcers with experience a few days back. Scale of one to ten, how desperate are they looking?

[25 Sep 2018|08:37pm]
Brothel Workers + Brothel Family
I'm sure everyone has heard the rumours of the murder. With how things are, it is unfortunate but it is likely to be true.

There is a chance that some of us knew the person involved.

We will all deal with this differently but I ask that each and every one of you is careful. For now I would like no one to leave the Brothel unless they have to. If you do, please let someone know and do not go alone.

Things are heating up, becoming more dangerous for everyone. The enforcers are becoming more reckless. We all suspect that something is happening. Not everything that has occurred lately makes sense. Keep your heads down and ears open and try and avoid attracting attention.

I am going to organise defense lessons for anyone who is interested in both hand to hand and small weapons that can easily be concealed. Remember, things such as hair pins, statues and other every day items can make excellent weapons if you have no other choice in the matter.

Most of all stay safe. Your life is what matters first and foremost.

text sent 8/11 @4:31 a.m. [25 Sep 2018|10:58pm]
I fucked up
Go somewhere to
Get yourself to

Are you awake? You shouldn't be. You probably have a test tomorrow.
I might need to go on a trip. Keep working.

[ viewing | September 25th, 2018 ]
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