Ripple in Time: Journal Community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ripple in Time: Journal Community

  • Everything we do, even the slightest thing, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.
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[17 Sep 2018|09:05pm]
With all the excitement of the enforcers at our block party last night--we'll save that topic for later--I wanted to make sure no one from the streets missed the other big thing that happened yesterday: a nobody was voted in as the leader of the district most of us live in--not by the people who actually live here (again, we'll get to that another time), but by those already in power.

Let that sink in for a moment. Our government, who face no real legal qualifications to get approved, narrowly rejected one of their own for some random kid intern. That hasn't happened in decades. Usually, they only choose their friends and family to rule in positions of power.

It's possible the majority feels Alastair Sciarra is the better man for the job--but I doubt it. I doubt they've suddenly decided they care about us--Dorian Godwin didn't, and they promoted him without hesitation. It's more likely they picked him to make a statement to the other candidate--or the person who nominated him--or because they intend for this kid no one has heard of to fail. The only thing about this vote that is clear is that if we in D4 ever want anything to actually change for us, we need to start paying attention to these votes. We need to start caring who our leaders are. Apathy has chained us, but we ourselves hold the key and it's only us--ALL of us--who can free us.

[ viewing | September 17th, 2018 ]
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