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Ripple in Time: Journal Community

  • Everything we do, even the slightest thing, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.
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[05 Aug 2018|11:09am]
{Text to Agnes Godwin}

Are you okay?

text sent 8/2 @5:14pm [05 Aug 2018|02:11pm]
I heard you arrested Mena last night.

text sent 8/3 @11:23am [05 Aug 2018|08:47pm]
I heard you're official now. Have you gotten your assignment?
[Alec] 10 minutes later
They put your sister in Precinct 4

[05 Aug 2018|09:08pm]
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. My father was not a good man. Oh, he liked to pretend that he was in public, but the upper class is all about illusion. The illusion of the perfect family life. The illusion of a kind, benevolent person who cares about everyone, including the lower classes. Did he fool you? Are you mourning a man you never knew based on the lies you've been told? Then, I say to him, well done. He's had everyone fooled. The rich are singing his praises, talking about what a great leader he was. I believe my brother used the word 'selfless'.

I'll admit, it made me laugh. He has never once thought of anyone besides himself. I lived with the man for the entirety of my adolescence and not once did he show a single ounce of concern for me or anyone else unless it affected him or his image. He was not kind. He was ruthless and cruel, and that extended to his politics as well.

You can believe me or you can choose to keep your rose colored glasses on. You can even believe it when Dorian Godwin tells you that I am the one who murdered him. Or had him murdered. Or whatever the story is today.

However, you can rest assured, had I done it, I wouldn't hide my involvement. I would be more than happy to take the credit for this act of community service.

[ viewing | August 5th, 2018 ]
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